Mar 1st, 2021
Job applications for the student staff positions for summer 2021 in orientation programming are open until Monday, March 15. Apply via mySUCCESSS.
These positions are full time paid opportunities, only open to undergraduate students returning to the University in September, notes student development specialist Amber Norman.
“We are looking for students who are very involved in campus life and interested in furthering their leadership abilities,” she says. “They will have a big hand in facilitating Head Start and Welcome Week and will be role models and leaders to the incoming undergraduate student body.”
The available positions include co-ordinators for:
- Communications
- Lead Students
- Marketing
- Orientation
- Registration
- Sponsorship
- Transition Events
- UWindsor Welcome Week Events
- UWindsor Welcome Week Volunteers
Find more information, including a calendar of relevant dates, on the orientation website.