The University of Windsor’s return to on-campus learning and work will begin on Jan. 31, president Robert Gordon announced in a message Monday to faculty, staff, and students.
“On-campus experiences are foundational to our mission,” he wrote. “The last 20 months have been challenging for all of us, despite the extraordinary efforts of everyone involved. The importance of learning and working together has been made increasingly clear to all of us.”
All classes and labs designated as in-person in the Winter 2022 timetable will be delivered on campus, and those designated as online will remain online.
Staff who have been working remotely will begin a gradual return to campus on Jan. 31, with the goal of up to 50 per cent capacity by the end of February.
Faculty return will be guided by their teaching and research commitments and the plans of their academic units.
More detailed information will be included in subsequent updates. Read the entire message.