The University of Windsor’s new e-commerce payment process system: TouchNet, a global payment company, launched Thursday online.
This system offers benefits that include a new student account centre within UWinsite Student, pre-authorized debit functionality, the ability to pay with a credit card, and the opportunity for students to provide access to an authorized user for their financial accounts.
“The new e-commerce system brings the University payment experience in line with what our students expect from a payment platform,” says John Osborne, assistant director for business solutions and systems in Information Technology Services. “It has a very intuitive user interface, providing a great enhancement for students when making payments in our UWinsite Student System.”
The Finance and IT Services teams, along with several campus departments, worked on the payment modernization project over the last few months.
“We are grateful for the group’s collaboration on this project. The team’s dedication made the launch possible, and the new e-commerce system improves the payment experience,” says Chris Lanoue, manager of financial services.
If you experience an issue with UWinsite Student or the new student account centre, open a ticket to route it to the right area for help.