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Jeannette Vanier

Linda Alrefaee and Hanan ZahraLinda Alrefaee and Hanan Zahra display medals they received at the Outstanding Scholars gala May 3.

Outstanding Scholars gala honours student and faculty achievements

The first Outstanding Scholars Gala and Annual Awards Ceremony hosted family, friends, peers, and colleagues May .
Tim Brunet, Yohana Llacza Chavez, Jeannette Vanier, Grace Karram Stephenson, Alex Agostinis, Sam Dade, Dami Babs-Olorunfemi, and Onozutu AsishanaOrganizers and volunteers of the UWill Discover Sustainable Futures conference invite the campus community to hear from some of the top presenters. From left: Tim Brunet, Yohana Llacza Chavez, Jeannette Vanier, Grace Karram Stephenson, Alex Agostinis, Sam Dade, Dami Babs-Olorunfemi, and Onozutu Asishana.

Student research conference to fĂȘte award winners

The UWill Discover Day of Excellence will celebrate participants in the student research conference.