PhD student Nawal Mustafa is researching ways to improve cognitive testing for South Asian populations and posting self-help tips on Instagram.
A fourth round in the University’s faculty and staff virtual trivia competition is set for March 12.
A project of UWindsor psychology professor Lori Buchanan’s Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory helps people with aphasia practise speaking.
Project: Brain Bucket melds psychology, neuroscience, art, and exercise.
There are few things more dispiriting than losing the ability to communicate. And yet, every year, thousands of people across Canada awake to a new reality filled with elusive words and illegible text.
It’s this growing population that a team from the University of Windsor has set out to provide with a new voice and a new lease on life.
A group of UWindsor professors participated Saturday in the Women’s March on Washington.
UWindsor professor Lori Buchanan is part of a team seeking to study how people process and recall worlds in real-world settings.
Psychology professors Christopher Abeare, Alan Scoboria and Lori Buchanan received a $75,000 grant for a machine that measures brain activity.