The St. Denis Centre was rocking into the weekend as hundreds of high school students descended on campus for the FIRST Robotics district competition.
The St. Denis Centre was rocking into the weekend as hundreds of high school students descended on campus for the FIRST Robotics district competition.
History and women’s studies major Terri Fletcher served an internship working on an archeological dig at the site of the roundabout in Sandwich.
Carefully tucked away in Layale Bazzi’s academic portfolio sits a certificate she received in Grade 11.
This certificate, while not her most notable accomplishment, represents a moment that forever influenced her academic career.
“When I first saw the University of Windsor’s department of physics in all its glory and met some of the students in the physics club at the time, it was like a whole new world opened up to me,” Bazzi said on Tuesday.
Students in a new science internship course earn academic credit while gaining real-world experience.
The Let’s Talk Science Challenge hosted students from nine area grade schools Friday.
High school competitors in the Science Olympiad were up to the challenge Friday.
Students from 18 area high schools will compete in the Science Olympiad, Friday on the UWindsor campus.
Students from high schools across Essex County are on campus this week for Science Academy.
A series of interactive workshops helped introduce about 40 young members of the local refugee and immigrant communities to careers in science.
The Let’s Talk Science Outreach Central Conference gathered on the UWindsor campus last weekend to share ideas for developing new projects.