Organization of Part-time University Students

Part-time students plan general meeting

The Organization of Part-time University Students will hold its 2023 annual general meeting on Thursday, March 30, starting at 4:30 p.m. in the student centre’s second-floor boardroom.

In addition to board and staff reports and a financial overview, the agenda will feature a keynote address on the artificial intelligence chatbot ChatGPT by Nick Baker, director of the Office of Open Learning.

OPUS awardeesThe Organization of Part-time University Students celebrated its 30th annual awards banquet Friday. Among the honourees were (from left) Tim Gregorian, Julien Chin, Mark Trudell, Chris Lanoue, Selma Huxley-Gannage, Nancy McMahon, Vincent Manzerolle, Victor Sevillano Canicio, and Ronnie Haidar.

Reception honours awards recipients

Some 100 guests attended the 30th annual awards banquet of the Organization of Part-time University Students on Friday.