The University of Windsor shares a special relationship with the Windsor International Film Festival, says Vincent Georgie.
The University of Windsor shares a special relationship with the Windsor International Film Festival, says Vincent Georgie.
A reception Wednesday celebrated supporters of the School of Creative Arts.
The University of Windsor is well-represented at BookFest Windsor.
The Humanities Research Group is sponsoring a screening of Godard Mon Amour on Sunday at the Windsor International Film Festival.
Students in the course “Musical Theatre Repertoire in Context” heard from the subject of Bathtubs Over Broadway, Tuesday in the SoCA Armouries.
A trivia quiz contest today offers 10 prizes of two tickets each to the Windsor International Film Festival.
A trivia quiz contest today offers 10 prizes of two tickets each to the Windsor International Film Festival.
UWindsor professor Vincent Georgie, a relative newcomer to Windsor, says he appreciates what the city has to offer.
A luncheon Thursday celebrated the successes of the 2017-18 Annual Giving Program, which raised about $333,000 from current and retired employees.
The United Way’s 40 Leaders Under 40 includes many graduates of the University of Windsor.