The University of Windsor’s first Virtual Open Day, Oct. 3, offers prospective students and their families an online taste of campus life.
The University of Windsor’s first Virtual Open Day, Oct. 3, offers prospective students and their families an online taste of campus life.
Teamo Supremo topped Mount Kilimanjaro to win the Let’s Get Moving Virtual Team Challenge.
Almost 3,000 visitors set a record for attendance at the University’s spring open house Saturday, March 3.
The University of Windsor will welcome thousands of prospective students and members of their families to Spring Open House on Saturday, March 3.
A team of more than 100 students, faculty, and staff will represent Windsor at the Ontario Universities’ Fair.
An updated website for student recruitment puts an emphasis on seeing the campus through the virtual tour.
The University of Windsor attracted thousands of student to its Fall Open House on Saturday, November 5, among them two buses full of visitors from the Greater Toronto Area.
Student ambassador Zack Grosh, a fourth-year UWindsor drama student, boarded the bus at 6:30 a.m. to accompany the visitors. He says many were curious about campus life, residences and the differences between majors of study.
“A lot of questions were about the UWindsor community, how close-knit it is and how different programs get along and work with each other,” Grosh says.
An “army” of faculty and staff and students pitched in to help with the March 5 open house.
Spring Open House will feature tours of campus facilities, as well as information on academic programs and support services, Saturday, March 5.
Sunny skies shone down on almost 2,700 visitors to campus Saturday during the University’s Fall Open House.