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News and Events

Jul 24th, 2019

mechanical engineering students holding their rocket in the hands

A team of mechanical engineering students placed fifth in the world's largest intercollegiate rocket engineering competition.

The Spaceport America Cup attracted 121 teams worldwide to compete June 18 to 22, 2019 in Las Cruces, New Mexico. University of Windsor Rocketry Team member Katarina Berg says the competition has multiple categories based on motor type and either a target altitude of 10,000 or 30,000 feet. The UWindsor team chose to compete in the 30,000 commercial off the shelf motor, solid propulsion category against 19 teams.

“We came in fifth in our category and 31st in the overall competition. Our actual apogee was 26,517 feet,” Berg says. “It was absolutely an amazing experience to be able to connect with and learn from universities all over the world. To see all the different approaches to the same common problem is very intriguing.” 

Jul 23rd, 2019

Engineering professor Colin Novak is been filmed by History Channel

A new History Channel show about the world’s most fascinating and inexplicable mysteries featured a University of Windsor engineering professor and his investigation into one of Windsor’s infamous enigmas — the Windsor Hum.

The intermittent rumbling sound has plagued local residents for the past seven years. In 2013, Colin Novak, an associate professor in the mechanical, automotive, and materials engineering department, was contracted by the Government of Canada to lead a study on the source of the hum.

A Los Angeles film crew from UnXplained, a show hosted and produced by William Shatner, visited campus to learn more about Dr. Novak’s Noise Vibration and Harshness-Sound Quality Group, which set up low-frequency noise monitoring stations across the city’s west end and portable infrasound arrays to record noise within the hum’s frequency range.

Jul 10th, 2019

Students unveil pod ahead of international hyperloop competition

A team of University of Windsor and St. Clair College students is heading to California to compete in Elon Musk’s SpaceX Hyperloop Pod Competition.

The uWinLoop and SCCLoop duo is one of 21 teams worldwide to advance to the finals and compete July 21 in Hawthorne, California, at SpaceX headquarters.

Dozens of supporters gathered in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation Friday, July 5, to send off the team and watch the engineering, business, and marketing students reveal the pod they’ve been working on for more than a year.

“We’re looking forward to putting Windsor against the best on the world stage,” says third-year mechanical engineering student Stefan Sing, uWinLoop’s president and founder.

Jul 4th, 2019

Dr. Ram Balachandar has been recognized for his “outstanding” contributions

Dr. Ram Balachandar has been recognized for his “outstanding” contributions to the development and practice of hydrotechnical engineering in Canada.

Dr. Balachandar, a civil and environmental engineering professor, received the 2019 Camille A. Dagenais Award during the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering’s (CSCE) annual conference on June 14, in Laval, Quebec.

Balachandar’s research in civil engineering focuses on open channel flows and fluid-structure interaction. His research efforts in the area of scour have led to substantially improved design equations. Balachandar has published 150 journal papers, six book chapters and more than 200 conference papers and is an associate editor for the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.

Jul 2nd, 2019

Aerospace student Atilla Saadat holds an avionics bay, which will log the altitude of a rocket

A UWindsor student studying aerospace engineering is one of four province-wide to receive an Ontario Aerospace Council scholarship.

Atilla Saadat, a third-year mechanical engineering student in the aerospace stream, received a $2,500 scholarship for academic achievement and his work outside the classroom. Saadat is the founder and space systems technical lead of the University of Windsor Space & Aeronautics Team (WinSAT), a multi-disciplinary group of more than 30 students building a space-ready 3U Cube Satellite for Low Earth Orbit to compete in the Canadian Satellite Design Challenge.

“His work has already demonstrated a tangible impact at UWindsor, as WinSAT aims to increase the space and aeronautics engineering opportunities at our institution,” says Afshin Rahimi, an assistant professor in the University’s Department of Mechanical, Automotive and Materials Engineering.

Jun 26th, 2019
The Erie Hack UWinTeam posing

A team of UWindsor students has reached the final round of the Erie Hack competition for pitching an innovative idea that could be worth $100,000 in cash and prizes.

Erie Hack was created by the Cleveland Water Alliance and the Creativity and Innovation Team at NASA Glenn Research Center to address such problems such the growth of harmful algal blooms, the lack of useful data collection, and aging water infrastructures.

Teams from Cleveland, Detroit, Buffalo, Erie, Toledo, and Windsor are all in the finals for the chance to have their ideas be applied to these issues.

The competition in Cleveland on Thursday, June 20, focuses on collaborative solutions for the pressing problems in Lake Erie, and UWindsor students have created a cost-effective and technology-driven idea.

Jun 26th, 2019

masters students of engineering materials claimed prizes for their oral presentations

Two UWindsor masters students of engineering materials claimed prizes for their oral presentations at the 2019 Canadian Materials Science Conference, June 10 to 13 in Vancouver.

The conference is a forum for academics and professionals to discuss advancements in a wide range of areas of materials science, as evidenced by the UWindsor winners.

Alexandra Rose’s presentation “Analyzing the fracture behaviour of tool steels in various stress triaxialities,” under the supervision of professors Ahmet Alpas and Daniel Green, was judged best in the symposium dedicated to advanced characterization of materials.

Liza DiCecco won the best oral presentation award in the additive manufacturing symposium for her work “Fatigue Behaviour of Shot-Peened Additive Manufactured Ti-TiB,” supervised by professor Afsaneh Edrisy.

Jun 26th, 2019

Jonathan Wu picture
UWindsor professor Jonathan Wu has been inducted as a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering.

The Canadian Academy of Engineering inducted UWindsor electrical and computer engineering professor Jonathan Wu as a fellow at a ceremony Friday in Quebec City in conjunction with its 2019 annual general meeting.

The academy brings together the nation’s most distinguished and experienced engineers to provide strategic advice on matters of critical importance to Canada.

A citation noting Dr. Wu’s election called him a “world-leading expert in the field of computer vision and machine learning” and praised his development of systems for a wide variety of real-world applications.

His was one of 55 appointments announced by the academy Friday; president Eddy Isaacs said he expects them to make considerable contributions to public policy.

Jun 12th, 2019

Engineering student talking with local employer

Hundreds of students seeking jobs in engineering had the chance to engage with local employers June 7 at the university’s annual Engineering Career Fair.

The Office of Career Development and Experiential Learning and the Faculty of Engineering hosted the event for hundreds of new grads, soon-to-be grads, and recent alumni seeking full-time employment.

“Career fairs like this are a great way to showcase student talent and engage employers on campus,” says Sarah Overton, the event organizer and campus engagement co-ordinator. “We were thrilled with both student and employer participation today.”

The free event, held in the Ed Lumley Centre for Engineering Innovation, included a LinkedIn photo booth and more than 40 representatives from industry. View photos from the event on the UWindsor Engineering Facebook page.

May 30th, 2019

Picture taken by drone of the lake

A team of University of Windsor students is proposing a more reliable and cost-effective way to monitor contamination in Lake Erie.

Comprised of engineering and law students, the group has entered its idea in Erie Hack— a competition created by the Cleveland Water Alliance and the Creativity and Innovation Team at NASA Glenn Research Center in hopes of accelerating technology solutions to the lake’s most pressing problems.

One of these problems is hazardous algal blooms primarily caused by agricultural runoff. These blooms release harmful toxins, which result in loss of plant and fish life and increase water treatment costs. Monitoring these blooms is a critical part of the mitigation process, says environmental engineering PhD student Mohammad Madani.