Sessional Lecturer
M.T.C.Y. (Georgian), B.A.Hons. M.A. (Dalhousie), Ph.D. (University of Western Ontario)

519 253 3000 ext. 2294
Teaching/Research Areas
19th-Century Canadian Literature
19th-Century American Literature
Confederation Humour
Creative Writing
Utopian, Dystopian, and Apocalyptic Literature
Detective Fiction
After graduating from the marine engineering program at Georgian College, André Narbonne sailed as a marine engineer on bulk carriers, fishery patrol and hydrographic vessels, and tankers before attending university. He completed his B.A.Hons. and M.A. at Dalhousie University, where he was a Killam Scholar, and his Ph.D. in Canadian literature at the University of Western Ontario, where he was the recipient of an SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship (2000-2003). Dr. Narbonne served on the executive of The Association for Canadian and Québec Literatures (2004-2010) and was the Committee Chair of the Gabrielle Roy Prize for Criticism in Canadian Literature (2005-2006). He is a former chair of the Halifax chapter of the Canadian Poetry Association. His short stories won the Atlantic Writing Competition, the FreeFall Prose Contest, and the David Adams Richards Prize and were anthologized in Best Canadian Stories. He is the fiction editor of the Windsor Review.
“Tom Wolfe’s Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test as Bergsonian Satire.” The Explicator. Forthcoming: 2016.
“Carlylean Sentiment and the Platonic Triad in Anne of Green Gables.” American Review of Canadian Studies 44.4 (December 2014): 433-47.
“Lucy Maud Montgomery and Stephen Leacock’s Shared Canadian Figure.” The Explicator 72.2 (2014): 84-87.
“Champlain, The Order of Good Cheer and the Aesthetic of Companionship.” Ariel vol. 42:2 (2012): 75-98.
“Thomas Carlyle’s Philosophies of Social Wholeness and Comic Harmony and Their Influence on Canadian Authorship, 1836–1927.” Nineteenth-Century Studies 25 (2011): 93-118.
“Lucy Maud Montgomery.” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Twentieth-Century Canadian Literary Humorists vol. 362 (2011): 172-186.
“Don Harron.” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Canadian Twentieth-Century Literary Humorists vol. 362 (2011): 96-106.
“Review of Epperly, Elizabeth Rollins, The Fragrance of Sweet-Grass: L.M. Montgomery’s Heroines and the Pursuit of Romance.” American Review of Canadian Studies (Fall 2015).
“Review of Lefebvre, Benjamin, The LM. Montgomery Reader.” American Review of Canadian Studies (Summer 2015).
“Review of Roberts, Gillian, Prizing Literature: The Celebration and Circulation of National Culture.” H-Canada, H-Net Reviews (July 2013).
Twelve Miles to Midnight. Windsor: Black Moss Press, 2016.
You Were Here. Toronto: Flat Singles Press. Forthcoming in 2016.
“First Sight.” Ottawa Arts Review. Forthcoming in 2016.
“Half the Battle.” Prairie Fire 36.2 (Summer 2015): 19-33.
“Al Purdy’s Muse.” Paragon 6 (2014): 154-57.
“Nothing Will Suffice.” Jonah Magazine 1.1 (October 2014).
“Joe the Verb.” Pithead Chapel 3.6 (June 2014).
“The Doctrinal Murder of a Socratic Beggar in St. Suzette.” Numéro Cinq April 15, 2014.
“The White Dog.” Reunion: The Dallas Review 3 (2013): 95-103.
“Harry of Jameson’s Raid (1895).” carte blanche 17 (Spring 2013).
“My mother is in shadow at the top of the stairs.” Dalhousie Review 92.3 (Autumn 2012): 297- 301.
“Margaret of the War Years.” The Nashwaak Review 28/29 (Summer/Fall 2012): 291-296.
“Fists.” The Toronto Quarterly Issue 9 (Summer 2012): 93-97.
“Enchantment of Circe.” eFiction Romance Issue 1 (August 2012): 16-38.
“Darren, Almost in Love.” FreeFall 24.2 (Spring/Summer 2012): 20-30.
“Margaret’s Great Depression.” The Prairie Journal (November 2011).
“Broken Limbs.” Wascana Review 42.2 (Summer 2011).
“Three Ways of Not Saying Something.” Flat Singles Press (November 16, 2014).
“Where I was during the Canada Russia Summit Series.” Prairie Fire 35.1 (Spring 2014): 66- 67.
“We were fenced in odours” and “Horse Purposes.” Existere 33.1 (Fall/Winter 2013): 76-77.
“Burial.” Bywords 10.3 (Fall 2012): 4.
“Encounter with a Cowboy.” Rampike 21.2 (2012): 69.
“Arrowheads” (September 2012).
“Red Brick” and “The Debt.” Contemporary Verse 2 34.3 (Winter 2012): 71-72.
“The Time the Lightning Went down Mountain Street.” Red River Review(November 2011).
“The First Day of Kindergarten.” Red River Review (August 2011).