All Stories

Apr 24th, 2024

GLIER is proud to announce that Neve Hudson is the recipient of the following awards: 

Apr 18th, 2024

Dr. Hugh MacIsaac of GLIER will be presenting a CIGLR Great Lakes Seminar Series on April 24, 2024 - 12:00 pm at NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory, 4840 S State Road, Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Jun 13th, 2024

Dr. Aaron Fisk of GLIER explains what it means for the University of Windsor to participate in a new nationwide scientific freshwater observatory.

Apr 5th, 2024

Come join GLIER for the Graduate Research Showcase 2024 on Friday, April 5 at 1:30 pm in the GLIER Davidson Conference Room 250, 2990 Riverside Drive West. The keynote speaker is Dr. Lori Phillips from Agriculture and Agi-Food Canada. 

Mar 28th, 2024

GLIER wishes to congratulate Dr. Ali Saber on his recent hybrid appoitment. We welcome you as a member of the GLIER community!

Mar 13th, 2024

The Grand Marais Drain a spawning ground?  Dr. Trevor Pitcher explains the "hows" and whys".