Faculty of Human Kinetics
Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee (EDI)
Terms of Reference
Dean (Ex-officio)
2 representatives from Kinesiology (KIN)
2 representatives from Athletics and Recreation Service (ARS)
1 staff member (alternate every 2 years between KIN and ARS)
1 HK Society (undergraduate student) representative
1 Kinesiology Graduate Student Association (KGSA) representative
1 Lancer Student Athlete Committee (LSAC) representative
Committee Objectives:
To identify inequities based on gender, sexuality, age, race, ethnicity, religion, and ability within the Faculty, and provide recommendations to the Dean of the Faculty of Human Kinetics for eliminating those inequities.
To provide a confidential mechanism through which the concerns of students, faculty, and/or staff who feel that they may be experiencing discrimination based on gender, sexuality, age, race, ethnicity, religion, and/or ability within the Faculty can be safely made. Concerns and recommendations will be directed from the committee to the Dean for consideration.
To inform and educate students, faculty and/or staff on equity, diversity and inclusion related to gender, sexuality, age, race, ethnicity, and ability within the Faculty, the University, and community through faculty workshops, student/athlete/employee orientation resources and other social media platforms. The EDI Committee and the Anti-Racism Sub-Committee will provide a standing report at Faculty Council on an annual basis. As well, relevant information, initiatives, and polices will be communicated at Kinesiology Council and ARS department meetings.
To support transparency and accountability with regards to the EDI policy, decision-making, and hiring practices within the Faculty to ensure an informed perspective of all members. Implementation and completion of the DEAP Tool will be a responsibility of the EDI committee on an annual basis,
Length of Term:
i) A staggered 2-year term will apply for faculty and staff committee members, with an option to stay for a maximum of 3 terms.
ii) The undergraduate, graduate and LSAC student representatives will have a one-year term and will be selected by their representative groups.
iii) The Dean is a standing member on the committee as an Ex-Officio.
Member Duties:
i) KIN/ARS faculty and staff committee members will be eligible to serve as Co-chairs after having served at least one year on the committee. Co-chairs may serve in these capacities for no more than three consecutive years. The determination of the co-chair will be established at the last meeting of the previous academic year and, where necessary, will be determined by a majority vote of the membership. Co-chairs are responsible for calling and chairing meetings, serving as committee spokespeople, leading the completion of the DEAP tool, and liaising with related organizations both on- and off-campus.
ii) One of the remaining KIN/ARS faculty and staff committee members will serve as an Ex-officio liaison to the Anti-Racism Sub-Committee. This member will be responsible for attending all meetings of the Anti-Racism Sub-Committee and providing regular updates on its activities.
iii) All new KIN/ARS faculty and staff committee members will undertake a comprehensive review of the Terms of Reference for the committee during the Fall semester and propose any updates or changes for approval.
Committee/Sub Committee Reporting:
i) The EDI committee Co-Chairs will provide a standing report at Faculty Council on an annual basis. As well, relevant information, initiatives and polices will be communicated by the Co-Chairs at Kinesiology Council and ARS meetings.
ii) The HK Anti-Racism committee will provide a standing report at Faculty Council on an annual basis. As well, relevant information, initiatives, and polices will be regularly communicated to the EDI Committee through the Ex-officio liaison.
Communication Mechanisms:
i) Committee agendas, minutes, and DEAP Tool plans will be maintained on the HK EDI common drive. Past and current files will be accessible to current EDI committee members only.
ii) Confidential concerns can be emailed to the EDI committee through HKEDI@uwindsor.ca. The Co-chairs of the committee will have access to this email and will report to the EDI committee on reported concerns or queries.
iii) Kinesiology and Athletics and Recreational employee and student resources will have updated campus and community EDI resources and information.