Kinesiology Research Day



First held in 2007, Kinesiology Research Day has become an annual celebration of the cutting-edge research being conducted at all levels within Kinesiology. Kinesiology Research Day is an opportunity for staff, faculty and undergraduate and graduate students to come together and discuss research in an informal and supportive environment.

The main goal of Kinesiology Research Day is to help foster the research culture in Kinesiology and to highlight the varied research activites that we do at the undergraduate, graduate and faculty levels. A keynote speaker usually starts the day off with a talk about research, followed by a grand poster session held in an open forum, whereby research projects are displayed and discussed by students, staff and faculty. More than 50 research projects from the previous year are usually presented over the course of the day. Awards for the best posters at the undergraduate and graduate levels are presented annualy. Take some time to look over some of the exciting pictures from previous research days, including the award winners, and you will quickly see how impressive and varied the research experience is in the Department of Kinesiology at the University of Windsor.