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4th year BScN student Jelena Lastro receives "Above and Beyond" Recognition from WRH

April 2, 2014 - 4th year BScN student Jelena Lastro was recognized by Windsor Regional Hospital's "Above and Beyond" program for her duties during her preceptored clinical placement experience. As a result of this recognition, her name will appear on the Windsor Regional Hospital Honour Roll -

The patient who nominated Jelena for this award provided the following comments:

"Jelena was a 4th year nursing student who did not seem like a student. She was very confident and capable in all her duties as a nurse. She was extremely thorough and very gentle during my assessments. She truly has both the skills and qualities to be in the nursing profession. She had a very positive and bubbly attitude that made my day. I hope she is able to be employed at Met when she finishes school."

Jelena Latro receiving Above & Beyond award with 472 instructor Pat Best, Level 4 Coordinator Karen Williamson, & Associate Dean Susan Fox