Employment Opportunities

Type of Positions

Faculty Positions

  • Visit the University of Windsor Faculty Recruitment page for a listing of all faculty postings at the University, including any Nursing faculty positions. 

Sessional Instructor Positions

Note to current Sessional Instructors (i.e. those who have already been interviewed/approved by the Nursing Faculty Council and are on the active sessional instructor roster): Please use the online response form to apply for any posted sessional instructor positions below by the deadline given (except for any course development postings - apply as instructed on the posting). Completing this response form will assist the Faculty of Nursing in its hiring process. If you have not applied and been interviewed/approved yet or are not on the active sessional instructor roster, you cannot apply for positions - please see application process below.

View Clinical and Lab Opportunities

 -   Response Form

The application deadline is end of day Friday, February 14, 2025

View Theory Opportunties

 -  Response Form

The application deadline is end of day TBD

Teaching positions are not guaranteed every term to those on the roster - this is contractual, part-time work, based on the teaching needs of the Faculty of Nursing. Only those who are offered a teaching position for the term will be contacted.

New Sessional Instructor applicants - If you have never worked as a nursing sessional instructor (i.e. have not been interviewed/approved by the Nursing Faculty Council) or you have not worked as a nursing sessional instructor for over two years (i.e. not on the active roster), and are interested in applying (or re-applying) to become a part-time contractual sessional instructor, please see information below. Note: you cannot apply for postings until you have submitted the application package, been interviewed and then approved by the Nursing Faculty Council. Applications may be submitted anytime during the year.

Note: The Faculty of Nursing welcomes applications from applicants who meet the criteria listed below. Currently, we are particularly in need of sessional instructors who live and/or are willing to teach clinical courses hospital placements in Windsor-Essex, Chatham, and Sarnia regions.

Teaching positions are not guaranteed every term to those on the roster - this is contractual, part-time work.

Criteria to apply

  • To teach nursing clinical courses, must have a completed BScN degree. Preference will be given to applicants who have completed a graduate degree.
  • To teach theory courses, must have a completed graduate degree
  • Must be currently registered with the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) and entitled to practice with no restrictions
  • Must have a minimum 5,460 hours of work experience as a registered nurse (3 years full-time equivalent)
  • If applying to teach clinical courses in fall and winter terms - must have flexibility to teach days and/or afternoon shifts - Mondays to Saturdays. Also must be available to go the clinical site the day/evening before the scheduled clinical day to obtain patient information to provide to the students (for teaching in hospitals and long-term care homes).
  • Some clinical may also be scheduled on Sundays and during night shifts - particularly in 4th year hospital preceptorship courses.
  • Clinical Instructors must adhere to the clinical agency vaccination policies
  • For teaching consolidation clinical courses (in spring each year), must be available full-time for a two or four week period (depending on the course length), including days, afternoons and weekend shifts.
  • Must be highly proficient with using computers and technology (email - Office 365, Microsoft Office, Internet), with an aptitude for learning and using different programs and learning management systems (e.g. Blackboard Learn, digital CPE tool)

Application process/instructions

If you meet the above criteria, you may submit an application package as follows. Once your application is complete (i.e. all documents received by the Faculty of Nursing), you will be considered for an interview based on your qualifications, experience and the areas of teaching need. Only short-listed applicants will be contacted for an interview.

Application package: to avoid any issues in receiving your applications, documents must be completed in full and submitted at the same time. We will not consider applications that are incomplete. Please submit all documents via email to joyl@uwindsor.ca 

  1. Cover letter of interest addressed to the Nursing Dean - see name and contact information below
  2. Curriculum vitae (or resume)
  3. Copies of teaching evaluations (if you have taught previously)
  4. Completed "Verification of Employment Hours for New Sessional Instructors Application" Form (if you are a registered nurse). You may need multiple forms completed if you had multiple employers. 
  5. Proof of degree(s) obtained - i.e. official transcript(s) or photocopy of your graduation certificate(s)/diploma(s)
  6. Proof of current CNO registration (if you are a registered nurse) - i.e. Print your registration status from the CNO website (using "Find a Nurse")
  7. Arrange to have 3 "confidential reference reports" completed by three different referees and forwarded directly to the Faculty of Nursing - these references must be emailed directly to joyl@uwindsor.ca.  Due to Covid 19 mailed copies will not be accepted at this time.
    • The reference reports must be completed by individuals in a supervisory or managerial position who are familiar with your work and/or teaching performance.
    • At least one of the reference reports must be from your current unit manager, direct supervisor or department head where you are currently employed or have been most recently employed.
    • If you have taught at another institution, at least one of the reference reports must also be from the head of the nursing faculty, school or department where you taught.
    • The Faculty of Nursing reserves the right to contact the referees.

Note: completed application packages will be kept on file for a maximum of one year.

Application package and reference reports are to be scanned and emailed only to joyl@uwindsor.ca

Dr. Debbie Sheppard-Lemoine
Dean, Faculty of Nursing
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue
Windsor, ON    N9B 3P4 
Email: joyl@uwindsor.ca

If you have any questions about the application process, please contact Joy Lesperance at joyl@uwindsor.ca 

Staff Positions

  • Visit the University of Windsor's Human Resources for a listing of all staff postings at the University, including any Nursing staff positions. 

Year 4 Preceptors

We continually seek RNs in both hospital and community settings to precept our fourth year nursing students. We are appreciative of the nurses who are willing to mentor their future colleagues. The opportunity for students to synthesize the knowledge that they have gained during the BScN program and apply that knowledge to practice is made possible through the guidance and teaching that they receive from these professional nursing experts.

If you are interested in being a preceptor, please inform your unit manager or supervisor, or contact Katharine Maclean, Clinical Placement Coordinator at katharine.maclean@uwindsor.ca or 519.253.3000, x4814. Your preceptorship will be acknowledged by the University and our collaborative partners at St. Clair and Lambton Colleges, and may be included in your CNO Reflective Practice Portfolio.

Preceptors are strongly advised to take the online Preceptor Education Program.

Graduate/Teaching Assistant (GA/TA) Positions

TA Positions

Note: The deadline for students to submit their applications will be Monday, November 25, 2024, no later than 9:00 a.m.

Download TA Notice

Download Teaching Assistant Application


GA Positions

Note: The deadline for students to submit their applications will be Monday, December 2nd, 2024, no later than 9:00 a.m.

Download GA Notice

Download Graduate Assistant Application

Standardized Patients

No openings currently available, but check back soon if you are interested!