PHD passion fuels nursing graduate student

Photo of PHD student Madison BroadbentMeet Madison Broadbent. Madison is pursuing her PhD in Nursing, thanks to her passion for academia that started while she was a nursing undergraduate student at University of Windsor.

Broadbent (BScN 2019) credits many mentors who provided her and her peers the inspiration that positively impacted their academic journeys. Madison is excited to complete her PhD to become an educator, inspire the next generation of nursing students, and influence clinical practice.

Broadbent’s PhD research focuses on women’s health, specifically on childbirth experiences of women who have histories of gender-based violence. Having this knowledge is important for Broadbent; she is also a front-line nurse in the Family Birthing Centre at Windsor Regional Hospital. As an RN, she believes that having a better understanding of women’s childbirth experiences who have histories of gender-based violence is valuable in providing compassionate and trauma-informed care for women who access this care.

“As a second year PhD student here at UWindsor, I have gained valuable insights surrounding research while making wonderful connections with faculty and other students,” says Broadbent. “Joining the University of Windsor for my PhD has awarded me with many opportunities that I feel will help me grow as both a researcher and an educator. It’s been truly enriching.”

Broadbent looks forward to attending local, national, and international conferences and workshops, where she can apply "knowledge mobilization strategies" she learned during her graduate studies—processes used to transfer research-based knowledge into nursing practice. 

This fall, Madison will be presenting her master’s thesis titled “The Exploration of Art Creation Amongst Ontario Mothers with Histories of Gender-Based Violence Using Interpretive Description” at the Nursing Network on Violence Against Women International in Phuket, Thailand.