A group of students standing together and smiling

Welcome Week

Thank you for attending Welcome Week 2024! We'll see you next year!

Welcome Week is a one-week orientation program for new, undergraduate students. 

What is Welcome Week?

Welcome Week is a period before the start of classes, that offers a number of events both social and academic designed to integrate incoming undergraduate students into campus life. Events offer students an opportunity to make friends with other students in their program, connect with resources available on campus, become acquainted with physical campus and where their classes are located, meet upper year students in their program, get to know Faculty members in their program and become connected with the University community as a whole.

Each incoming undergraduate student that registers for Welcome Week will be assigned to a team within their Faculty, led by upper year students. Faculty Leaders will connect and offer support to students on their team as they prepare for the September start of classes. Once Welcome Week begins, each Faculty Team will be compete through Welcome Week in various events offered for the coveted UWindsor Shield. The winning team will be announced at the Welcoming Celebration on the Wednesday of Welcome Week, just before the start of classes. 

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