New TCPS2: CORE-2022 Certificate now required to be included with Main Application submissions to the REB

In early 2022, the REB announced that effective January 1st, 2023, it will no longer accept pre-2022 TCPS2: CORE Certificates in order to be up to date with the latest recommendations from the Panel on Research Ethics.

The newest version of the Tri-Council Policy Statement 2: Course on Research Ethics (TCPS 2: CORE) was officially released at the beginning of last year, and in an effort to offer the research community adequate opportunity to take the new training, the REB set the due date for its completion for the following year of the CORE’s release.

Effective January 1st, 2023, the REB now requires the submission of the TCPS2: CORE-2022 Certificate with Main Applications.

For those who need to complete the new training, it is similar in structure to earlier TCPS2 training and even TCPS1, and there are some changes as well.

The following is a list of the self-paced modules. These can be taken all at once or over multiple sessions, but all modules must be completed before the 25-question consolidation exercise can be attempted.

• Module A1 – Introduction

• Module A2 – Scope of TCPS 2

• Module A3 – Risks and Benefits

• Module A4 – Consent

• Module A5 – Fairness and Equity

• Module A6 – Privacy and Confidentiality

• Module A7 – Conflicts of Interest

• Module A8 – Research Ethics Board Review

• Module A9 – Research Involving Indigenous Peoples

• Knowledge Consolidation Exercise

The PRE estimates that it will take approximately four (4) hours to complete the TCPS2: CORE-2022 course.

The Secretariat on Responsible Conduct of Research (the Secretariat) administers the TCPS2: CORE-2022 and can be of assistance if need be. More information is available about the new training including access to the login page here Additional questions about the tutorial should be directed to the Secretariat at

Any additional questions not able to be resolved by the Secretariat should be addressed to the Office of Research Ethics at

Contact the UWindsor Office of Research Ethics

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Office of Research Ethics 
University of Windsor
401 Sunset Avenue, 2146 Chrysler Hall North
Windsor, ON  N9B 3P4
(519) 253-3000 Ext 3948