
The lists of on-going NSERC and NSF projects on smart supply chain management can be found at the end of this page.

Articles in Peer Reviewed Journals


Zhang, G., Yang, Y., & Yang, G. (2022). Smart supply chain management in Industry 4.0: the review, research agenda and strategies in North America. Annals of Operations Research, 1-43.

Li, J., Wang, H., Deng, Z., Zhang, W., & Zhang, G. (2022). Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers’ capital constraint. Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 34(2), 317-350.

Ensafi, Y., Amin, S. H., Zhang, G., & Shah, B. (2022). Time-series forecasting of seasonal items sales using machine learning–A comparative analysis. International Journal of Information Management Data Insights2(1), 100058.

Zhang, P., Liu, Y., Yang, G., & Zhang, G. (2022). A distributionally robust optimisation model for last mile relief network under mixed transport. International Journal of Production Research60(4), 1316-1340.

Shang, X., Zhang, G., Jia, B., & Almanaseer, M. (2022). The healthcare supply location-inventory-routing problem: A robust approach. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review158, 102588.

Sun, Z., Xu, Q., Zhang, G., & Liu, J. (2022). Pricing and matching for on-demand platform considering customer queuing and order cancellation. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 1-39.

He, Z., Chen, J., Zhou, F., Zhang, G., & Wen, F. (2022). Oil price uncertainty and the risk‐return relation in stock markets: Evidence from oil‐importing and oil‐exporting countries. International Journal of Finance & Economics27(1), 1154-1172.


Xiang, X., Zhang, G., Bin Jia, B., & Almanaseer, M. (2021). The healthcare supply location-inventory-routing problem: A robust approach, to appear Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review.

Song, Z., Tang, W., Zhao, R., & Zhang, G. (2021). Inventory strategy of the risk averse supplier and overconfident manufacturer with uncertain demand. International Journal of Production Economics, 108066.

Zhang, G., Shang, X., Alawneh, F., Yang, Y., & Nishi, T. (2021). Integrated production planning and warehouse storage assignment problem: An IoT assisted case. International Journal of Production Economics, 108058.

Li, Q., Chang, Y., Wu, X.,  Zhang G., (2021) A new theoretical framework of pyramid markov processes for blockchain selfish mining, Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering, 1-45

Li, J., Wang, H.,  Deng, Z., Zhang, W.,  Zhang G., (2021) Leasing or selling? The channel choice of durable goods manufacturer considering consumers’ capital constraint, Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal, 1-34

Tian, Z., Zhang G., (2021) Multi-echelon fulfillment warehouse rent and production allocation for online direct selling, Annals of Operations Research 304 (1), 427-451            

Zhang, G., Cheng, p., Sun, H., Y Shi, Y.,  Zhang, G., Kadiane A., (2021) Carbon reduction decisions under progressive carbon tax regulations: A new dual-channel supply chain network equilibrium model, Sustainable Production and Consumption 27, 1077-1092


Zhang, P., Liu, Y., Yang, G., & Zhang, G. (2020). A multi-objective distributionally robust model for sustainable last mile relief network design problem. Annals of Operations Research, 1-42, in press

Chen, Y., Li, B., Zhang, G., & Bai, Q. (2020). Quantity and collection decisions of the remanufacturing enterprise under both the take-back and carbon emission capacity regulations. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review141, 102032.

Bian, J., Zhang, G., & Zhou, G. (2020). Manufacturer vs Consumer Subsidy with Green Technology Investment and Environmental Concern. European Journal of Operational Research. In press.

Paul, S., Kabir, G., Ali, S. M., & Zhang, G. (2020). Examining transportation disruption risk in supply chains: A case study from Bangladeshi pharmaceutical industry. Research in Transportation Business & Management, 100485.

Li, B., Chen, Y., Zhang, G., & Bai, Q. (2020). Strategy analysis of the producer considering product design and collection effort under take-back legislation. INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 1-20.

Liu, J., Xu, Q., Zhang, G., (2020) Omni-channel retail strategy for an online retailer: Considering experience service and shopping cost, INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research, 1-20, in press.

Zhang, P., Liu, Y., Yang, G., & Zhang, G. (2020). A distributionally robust optimization model for designing humanitarian relief network with resource reallocation. Soft Computing24(4), 2749-2767.

Yoshida O, Nishi. T, Zhang G, Wu, J. (2020) Design of optimal quantity discounts for multi-period bilevel production planning under uncertain demands. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 12 (2), 1687814020902321

Shi, J., Chen, W., Zhou, Z., & Zhang, G. (2020). A bi-objective multi-period facility location problem for household e-waste collection. International Journal of Production Research, 58(2), 526-545.

Amin, S. H., Zhang, G., & Eldali, M. N. (2020). A review of closed-loop supply chain models. Journal of Data, Information and Management, 1-29.

Zhang, L., Zhang, G., & Yao, Z. (2020). Analysis of two substitute products newsvendor problem with a budget constraint. Computers & Industrial Engineering140, 106235


Zhang, G., & Zhang, Q. (2019). Multiportfolio optimization with CVaR risk measure. Journal of Data, Information and Management1(3-4), 91-106.

Zhang, G., Shi, J., Chaudhry, S. S., & Li, X. (2019). Multi-period multi-product acquisition planning with uncertain demands and supplier quantity discounts. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review132, 117-140.

Radhi, M., Zhang, G., (2019), Optimal Cross-Channel Return Policy in Dual-Channel Retailing Systems, International Journal of Production Economics, 210, 184-198

Xu D., Guo X., Guoqing Zhang G. (2019), Constrained optimization for bottleneck coarse tolling, Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, 128, 1-22.

Nekoiemehr, N., Zhang, G., & Selvarajah, E. (2019). Due date quotation in a dual-channel supply chain.  International Journal of Production Economics. 215, 102-111


Alawneh, F., & Zhang, G. (2018). Dual-channel warehouse and inventory management with stochastic demand. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 112, 84-106.

Tsuboi, T., Nishi, T., & Zhang, G. (2018). Analysis of leadership structures for two-echelon supply chains involving multiple risky suppliers. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing12(3), 1-14

Radhi, M., & Zhang, G. (2018). Pricing policies for a dual-channel retailer with cross-channel returns. Computers & Industrial Engineering119, 63-75. 


Yang, H., Cao, E., Lu, K. J., & Zhang, G. (2017). Optimal contract design for dual-channel supply chains under information asymmetry. Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing32(8), 1087-1097.

Zhou, J., Li, X., Kar, S., Zhang, G., & Yu, H. (2017). Time consistent fuzzy multi-period rolling portfolio optimization with adaptive risk aversion factor. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 8(5), 651-666. 

Aoyama, T., Nishi, T., & Zhang, G. (2017). Production planning problem with market impact under demand uncertainty. Journal of Advanced Mechanical Design, Systems, and Manufacturing11(2), 1-17

Zhang, G., Nishi, T., Turner, S. D., Oga, K., & Li, X. (2017). An integrated strategy for a production planning and warehouse layout problem: Modeling and solution approaches. Omega68, 85-94. (Top 6 in Most Downloaded Omega Articles, Feb to July, 2017)

Amin, S. H., Zhang, G., & Akhtar, P. (2017). Effects of uncertainty on a tire closed-loop supply chain network. Expert Systems with Applications, 73, 82-91.

Liu, X., Li, J., Wu, J., & Zhang, G. (2017). Coordination of supply chain with a dominant retailer under government price regulation by revenue sharing contracts. Annals of Operations Research, 257(1-2), 587-612.


Radhi, M., & Zhang, G. (2016). Optimal configuration of remanufacturing supply network with return quality decision. International Journal of Production Research54(5), 1487-1502.

Yin, S., Nishi, T., & Zhang, G. (2016). A game theoretic model for coordination of single manufacturer and multiple suppliers with quality variations under uncertain demands. International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics3(2), 79-91.

Nekoiemehr N, Selvarajah E, Zhang G,Scheduling of jobs with cross families in two stage manufacturing systems, International Journal of Production Economics 167,88-96, 2015

Gu J, Zhang G. and Li K, Efficient Aircraft Spare Parts Inventory Management under Demand Uncertainty, Journal of Air Transport Management, 42, 101-109, 2015

Keisuke Oga,Tatsushi, Nishi and Guoqing Zhang, Lagrangian Relaxation and Fix Heuristic for Integrated Production Planning and Warehouse Storage Allocation Problem under Demand Uncertainty, Transactions of the Institute of Systems, Control and Information Engineers, 28(3) , 91-98, 2015

Selected from before 2015
Amin S., Zhang G., Closed-loop supply chain network configuration by a multi-objective mathematical model, Int. J. Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling, 6(1), DOI: 10.1504/IJBPSCM.2014.058890, 2014

Amin, S., Zhang, G., A three-stage model for closed-loop supply chain configuration under uncertainty, International Journal of Production Research, 51(5), 1405-1425, 2013.

Amin, S., Zhang, G., A multi-objective facility location model for closed-loop supply chain network under uncertain demand and return, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(6), 4165-4176, 2013

Shi, J., Zhang, G., Sha, J., (2011). Optimal production and pricing policy for a closed loop system, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 55, 639-647

Zhang, G. (2010). The multi-product newsboy problem with supplier quantity discounts and a budget constraint. European Journal of Operational Research, 206(2), 350-360

Zhang, G., and Lai, K. K., (2006). Combining path relinking and genetic algorithms for the multiple-level warehouse layout problem, European Journal of Operational Research, 169/2, 413-425

Salahi, M., Terlaky, T., and Zhang, G., (2006). The complexity of self-regular proximity based infeasible IPMs,  Computational Optimization and Application, 33, 157-186

Leung, J., Zhang, G., Yang, X., Mak, R., and Lam, K., (2004). Optimal cyclic multi-hoist scheduling: a mixed integer programming approach, Operations Research, 52(6), 965-976

Leung, J., and Zhang, G., (2003). Optimal simple cyclic scheduling for Printed-Circuit-Board Production Lines with Multiple Hoists and Generic Tank Placement, IEEE Transaction on Robotics and Automation, 19:480-484 

Kim, B., Leung, J. M. Y., Park, K., Zhang, G., and Lee, S., (2002). Configuring a supply network for the Manufacturing company with Multiple suppliers, IIE Transaction, 34(8), 663-678