Dr. Sung Hyun Yun

Sung Hyun Yun
Associate Professor

Office: 201-B, 167 Ferry Street
Windsor, ON N9A 0C5
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext: 3076
E-mail: yshhsy@uwindsor.ca


  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Intervention/Outcome Research
  • Mental Health
  • Cross-cultural Studies
  • Psychometrics/Scale Development


  • PhD, The University of Georgia
  • MSW, University of South Carolina
  • BA, Pusan National University, South Korea


Undergraduate Courses

  • SWRK 1180, Meeting Human Needs through Social Work
  • SWRK 2040, Issues and Perspectives in Social Welfare
  • SWRK 3440, Research I:  Founds for Social Work Research
  • SWRK 3470, Social Work and Violence

Graduate Courses

  • SWRK 5470, Social Work Research: Practice Evaluation
  • SWRK 6800, Advanced Internship Seminar


Dr. Sung Hyun Yun is an Associate Professor in the School of Social Work, with extensive teaching experience in generalist social work practice, research, internship seminars, and issues of abuse and violence in families and communities. As a dedicated social work scholar, he collaborates closely with the community, grounding his research in anti-oppressive perspectives, human empowerment, and pro-feminist frameworks within a global and interdisciplinary context. Dr. Yun's research aims to generate knowledge about vulnerable populations and societal challenges, while developing effective treatments and interventions for social work practice. His projects focus on under-represented and under-served populations, including immigrants and refugees, survivors of violence, interpersonal violence, mental health issues, and addiction. These efforts underscore the interdisciplinary nature of his work and its positive impact on individuals, groups, and communities. His expertise includes advanced quantitative methodologies, scale development, psychometrics, and evidence-based, outcome-driven teaching and learning components integrated with effective social work practice. Dr. Yun's commitment ensures that his work not only advances academic knowledge but also contributes to the practical, real-world application of social work interventions.


Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Dufour, G., Yun, S. H., Fiorini, L. (Under review). Using an online measurement data management platform to improve survey response rates in a community sexual assault centre. Journal of Social Work.

An, S., Choi, G., Choi, Y. J., Cho, H., Yun, S. H., Son, E., Hong, S., & Gharbi, V. C. (under review). Intimate partner violence among Hispanic/Latinx and white college students. Violence and Victims

Nelson, A., Allen, J., Cho., H, Yun, S. H., Choi, Y. J., & Choi, G.Y. (2022). Intimate partner violence and openness to online counseling among college students. Journal of Family Violence, 19, 1-11.  https://doi.org/10.1007/s10896-022-00396-4

Cho, H., Seon, J., Lee, J. O., Son, E., Yun, S. H., & Kwon, I. (2022). Gender differences in cumulative abuse, bystander intervention, and long-term effects on health and intimate partner violence. Child Abuse Review, 31, e2781. https://doi.org/10.1002/car.2781

Choi, Y. J., Rai, A., Yun, S. H., Lee, J. O., Hong, S., Cho, H., & An, S. (2022). Risk factors for intimate partner violence perpetration among college students: Impact of childhood adversities. Journal of American College Health, 72(4), 1103–1111. https://doi.org/10.1080/07448481.2022.2068017

Grest, C. V., Cederbaum, J. A., Lee, D. S., Choi, J., Cho, H., Hong, S., Yun, S. H., Lee, J. O. (2022). Cumulative violence exposure and alcohol use among college students: Adverse childhood experiences and dating violence. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(1-2), 557-577. doi: 10.1177/0886260520913212

Yeo, H., Choi, Y. J., Son, E., Cho, H., Yun, S. H., & Lee, J. O. (2021). Childhood community risk factors on intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization among college students. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 37(21-22), NP20361-NP20385.           https://doi.org/10.1177_08862605211050097

Cho, H., Son, E., Seon, J., Yun, S. H., Choi, Y., Lee, J. O. (2021). Child maltreatment victimization, bystander intervention outcomes, and survivors’ long-term health. Child Welfare, 99(5), 1-23. https://ledproxy2.uwindsor.ca/login?url=https://www.proquest.com/scholarly-journals/child-maltreatment-peer-victimization-bystander/docview/2724915512/se-2

Choi, Y. J., Rai, A., Cho, H., Son, E., An, S., & Yun, S. H. (2021). Help-seeking behaviors for intimate partner violence among college students: Implications for intimate partner violence prevention and intervention. Violence and Victims, 36(4), 548-564. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/VV-D-20-00124

Cho, H., Seon, J. S., An, S., Kwon, I., Choi, Y. J. Hong, S., Lee, J. O., Son, E., & Yun, S. H. (2020). Gender differences in intimate partner violence victimization, help-seeking and outcomes among college students. Advances in Social Work, 20(1), 22-44.  https://doi.org/10.18060/23675

Yun, S. H., & Fiorini, L. (2020). Exploration of mental health outcomes of community-based intervention programs for adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Groupwork, 29(2), 58-84. https://doi.org/10.1921/gpwk.v29i2.1214

Son, E., Cho, H., Yun, S. H., Choi, Y. J., An, S., & Hong, S. (2020). Intimate partner violence victimization among college students with disabilities: Prevalence, help-Seeking, and the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence victimization. Children and Youth Services Review, 110, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2019.104741

Peer-Reviewed Conference Presentations

Yun, S. H., Dufore, G., & Fiorini, L. (June 22, 2024).  Using an online measurement data management platform to enhance organizational outcomes and user well-being: A case study from a non-profit community sexual assault centre, Annual Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA)-Asia Conference. Seoul, South Korea, Yonsei University. June 21-22, 2024

Yun, S. H., & Cisilino, J. (January 16, 2022). Evaluating effective interventions in social work practice: An ecological common factors approach for working with male survivors of sexual abuse. Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice. Washington DC (January 12-16, 2022).

Cho, H., Yun, S. H., & Hong, S. (January 16, 2022). Predictors of help-seeking outcomes among intimate partner violence survivors. Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice. Washington DC (January 12-16, 2022).

Cho, H., Yun, S. H., Choi, Y. J., An, S., Son, E., & Lee, J. O. (January 15, 2022). Associations between discrimination and health among international college students. Society for Social Work and Research 26th Annual Conference - Social Work Science for Racial, Social, and Political Justice. Washington DC (January 12-16, 2022).       

Yun, S. H. (January 19, 2021). Depression, anxiety, and stress outcomes for men who suffer from childhood sexual abuse: Evaluation of government-funded male survivor programs. Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference (ePoster Presentation for 2021Virtual Conference).

Yun, S. H., & MacMillan, I. (January 19, 2021). Mental health indicators for under-represented population, "Adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse": Psychometric properties for Short Forms of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS). Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference (ePoster Presentation for 2021Virtual Conference).

Choi, Y. J., Yeo, H., Lee, J. O., Cho, H., Son, E., & Yun, S. H. (January 19, 2021). The effect of childhood community factors on intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization among college-aged students. Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference (ePoster Presentation for 2021Virtual Conference).

Yun, S. H. (2020) Male-centric treatment and its therapeutic outcomes for men who suffer from childhood sexual abuse: Government-funded community service providers of West Ontario, Canada. SWESD 2020, Rimini, Italy June 28 to July 1, 2020. (Cancelled due to COVID-19)

Yun, S. H. (2020). Advancement of mental health knowledge and outcomes for the historically under-served, under-studied, and under-represented group of individuals: Adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Poster Presentation. CASWE-ACFTS 2020, June 1 to 4, London, Ontario, Canada. (Cancelled due to Covid-19)

Yun, S. H., & MacMillan, I. (2020). Advances in clinical practice for under-served and under-studied individuals: Validation of short forms of the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS) by using adult male survivors of childhood sexual abuse. Poster Presentation. CASWE-ACFTS 2020, June 1 to 4, London, Ontario, Canada. (Cancelled due to Covid-19)

Kwon, I., Cho, H., Seon, J., Lee J. O., Choi, G., An, S., Hong, S., Son, E., Choi, Y. J., Yun, S. H. (January 17, 2020). Intimate Partner Violence and Survivors' Help-Seeking: Effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences. 24th Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington DC, USA January 15-19, 2020

Seon, J. Cho, H. Kwon, I., Yun, S. H., Choi, Y. J., Son, E., Hong, S., An, S., Choi, G., & Lee, J. O. (2020). Effects of adverse childhood experiences and intimate partner violence victimization on health outcomes among college students, 2020 Annual Conference of the Society for Social Work and Research, Reducing Racial and Economic Inequality, Washington DC, USA January 15-19, 2020


Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Partnership Engage Grant (2024 – 2025). Male survivors of sexual abuse: Examining experiences of help-seeking and service utilization ($24,770). Principal Applicant: Sung Hyun Yun (Co-Applicant: Kristina Nikolova; Collaborators: Lydia Fiorini, Carol Branget).

The Diversity, Indigeneity, and Anti-Racism Professional Development Funds Grant (2023 – 2024). Intimate partner violence among college students: Exploring racial/ethnic disparities ($5,000). Principal Investigator: Sung Hyun Yun.

Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Planning and Dissemination Grant (2018 – 2020). Gender equity, health challenges, and practice/policy issues facing male survivors of sexual abuse in Ontario: A research planning workshop ($14,970). Principal Applicant: Sung Hyun Yun (Co-Applicants: Jill Grant, Angela Hovey; Collaborator: Lydia Fiorini).