
This header reads "Critical Social Work, An interdisciplinary journal dedicated to social justice"

This box reads "HESI/IRG, Health Equity and Social Inclusion Interdisciplinary Research Group"

This box reads "AIRARG, Animal and Interpersonal Abuse Research Group". There is an animal's paw above the I in AIPARG.

This box reads "The Health Research Centre for the Study of Violence Against Women"

Faculty Research Interests

For further information on faculty research, please visit our faculty profiles at Faculty | School of Social Work (

Primary healthcare, mental health, interdisciplinary collaboration, men in caregiving roles. 

Gender based violence in heterosexual and 2SLGBTQ+ relationships; the intersection of violence against humans and animals; the human-animal bond; criminal justice; trauma informed practice; scholarship of teaching and learning. 

Hospice and palliative care, Dream fulfillment (bucket lists), Human sexuality and intimacy at the end-of-life, The use of artificial intelligence in end of life care, Live music performance, Tension in social work provision, Qualitative studies, and Interpretive Description

Developmental disabilities, autism, support groups, self-help groups, family support, adoptive parents of children with developmental disabilities, disability studies, universal instructional design. 

Gerontology, health, mental health, process-outcome evaluation, qualitative research, theory development, epistemology. 

Mental health, crisis intervention, first responders (paramedics, firefighters, police officers), occupational stress, alcohol and substance abuse/dependence and survey research. 

Critical Race and Anticolonial Theorizing, Racialized Communities, Minority Stress and Racial Trauma, Children and Youth Mental Health, Community-based and participatory research approaches, and Qualitative methods

Social epidemiology, population health inequities and injustices, and research synthesis. 

Mental health services, consumer-survivor participation, mental illness stigma, quality of qualitative research, relationships between service users and service providers, program development and evaluation. 

Social and structural determinants of health; HIV prevention, treatment, and care; substance use and harm reduction; ethics; community-based and participatory research approaches; and governmentality studies. 

Poverty and inequality, social and health policy, international social welfare with special emphasis on post-socialist countries. 

Religion/spirituality and social work practice; children's spiritual development; clinical practice, mental health, social justice. 

Adolescent sexual health; gender and sexual socialization in adolescents and emerging adults, including differences across cultures; school-based sex education; arts-based interventions. 

Child welfare systems and practice, Evidence-informed Practice and Decision-making, child welfare worker and organizational characteristics and functioning, decision making, ecological framework, research methodology and methods, knowledge translation, implementation science, quantitative research, statistical analyses. 

(dis)Abilty and mental health in the global south, immigrant populations, decoloniality and politics of knowledge creation, international social work, social work pedagogy. 

Mixed methods; family dynamics; mental health and developmental outcomes of adopted and immigrant children; refugee and newcomer families; cumulative risks and protective factors of the individual, family, and community; cross-cultural perspectives in child welfare. 

Policy, Gender equality, Intimate partner violence, Child maltreatment Prevention/intervention of family violence and Quantitative research & statistical analyses. 

Health communication, health promotion, mental health, adolescents, gerontology, cultural competence, acculturation, program evaluation. 

History and philosophy of social work and social welfare, housing policy; community organizing and development, poverty and inequality, social theory, cross-national comparisons of social welfare policy and social work practice. 

Interpersonal theory and clinical practice, mental health, disability and adult functioning, stigma, employment, psychometrics and quantitive data analysis

Intimate partner violence, batterer intervention program, alcohol/substance abuse and risk-reduction program, cross-cultural studies, scale development. To view Dr. Yun's faculty profile page, please click here

Child welfare-systems, practice, equity integration practice, clinical supervision, self-reflexivity practice, youth engagement, transfer of knowledge to practice, historical trauma. 

Prevention and intervention research with children and youth in multicultural and Aboriginal schools and communities, development of interventions focused on risk, resiliency and positive youth development, program evaluation of community-based organizations, large-scale community surveys.