Tanya Basok

Dr. Tanya BasokTanya Basok, Ph.D., MA, BA
Office: CH 160-1 
Email: basok@uwindsor.ca 
Telephone: ext. 3498


Research Areas

Dr. Tanya Basok is a Professor at the Department of Sociology and Criminology and Associate Dean, Research at the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. Her research focuses on migration and migrant rights. She has conducted extensive research on temporary migrant farmworkers in Canada, and organized labour and grassroots advocacy for migrant rights in Canada.  She has also published widely on bordering practices for migrants and asylum seekers in the Americas, particularly in Mexico and Costa Rica, and migrants’ strategies to overcome obstacles in their search for safety and security.

Teaching Areas & Recent Courses Taught

Migration, Race, and Ethnicity

Recent and Key Publications 


Vosko, L., T. Basok and C. Spring. 2023. Transnational Employment Strain in a Global Health Pandemic: Migrant Farmworkers in Canada. Palgrave 
Basok, T., D. Bélanger, M. Rojas and G. Candiz  2015. Rethinking Transit Migration in Mexico: Precarity, Self-Making, and  Mobiliy, Palgrave Macmillan Press  
Basok, T. and S. Ilcan. 2013. Issues in Social Justice: Citizenship and Transnational Struggles, Oxford University Press.   
Basok, T. 2002. Tortillas and Tomatoes: Mexican Transmigrant Harvesters in Canada, McGill-Queen's University Press


Book Chapters (2017-2024)


Basok, T., L. Goldring, P. Landolt, F. Mata and P. Villegas. 2022. "Latin American Migration to Canada: Understanding Socially Differentiated Inclusions," in The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration, edited by A. E. Feldman, X. Baa, J. Durand, and S. Schutze, pp. 261-274, Routledge 


Basok, T. and G. Candiz, 2022. “Ciudadanía móvil en los espacios multifacéticos de tránsito: reflexiones sobre la movilidad y la inmovilidad de las personas migrantes centroamericanas en México.” El tránsito de personas migrantes desde la perspectiva de los derechos y la acogida digna, edited by Iker Barbero, 25-48, Tirant Editorial


Basok, T. and G. Candiz. 2021. "Containing mobile citizenship: changing geopolitics and its impact on solidarity activism in Mexico," in Inclusive Solidarity and Citizenship along Migratory Routes in Europe and the Americas, edited by  H. Schwiertz and H. Schwenken, Routledge


Basok, T. 2021. "The Social Cost of Cheap Local Food: Migrant Workers in Canadian Agriculture," in Critical Perspectives in Food Studies, 3rd edition, edited by M. Koc, J. Sumner and A. Windsor, Oxford University Press, pp. 287-302


Basok, T.  2020. Documentar a las personas migrantes en México:¿Protegiendo a los vulnerables o disciplinando a los “ingobernables”?,  in Puentes, No Muros: Contribuciones para una política progresista en migraciones, Edited by Carlos Sandoval. CLACSO. Fundación Rosa Luxemburg, pp. 73-94. https://www.clacso.org/puentes-no-muros/#more-21496


Basok, T. and D. Bélanger, 2019. « Gestion migratoire, pouvoir disciplinaire et exercices de la subjectivité : les travailleurs agricoles migrants en Ontario, au Canada ». Travail, mobilités, subjectivités et formes d’assujettissement dans les Amériques, Alexis Martig et Jorge Pantaleón, Presses de l’Université Laval, p. 141‑71.


Basok, Tanya. 2019. Regional Migration and Argentinas Hospitality in Crisis, The Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises, 501-519, Edited by Cecilia Menjivar, Marie Ruiz, Immanuel Ness, January. Oxford University Press.


Basok, Tanya. 2018. The Discourse of Transit Migration in Mexico and its Blind Spot: Changing Realities and New Vocabularies, New Migration Patterns in the Americas Challenges for the 21st Century, 85-107, edited by Feldmann, Andreas E., Bada, Xóchitl, Schütze, Palgrave Macmillan.


Refereed Articles (2017-2024)


Candiz, G. & T. Basok. 2024. "Transgressing Humanitarian Borders in Southern Mexico: Turning Obstacles into Resources," Journal of Borderlands Studies, DOI: 10.1080/08865655.2024.2382692


Ilcan, S., T. Basok, and G. Candiz. 2023. "Bordering human rights: displaced people's experiences of containment and human rights violations," Australian Journal of Human Rights,  29 (2): 334-353 https://doi.org/10.1080/1323238X.2023.2288363


Candiz, G, T. Basok, and D. Bélanger. 2023. “Acts Of Citizenship In Time and Space Among Agricultural Migrant Workers In Quebec During The Covid-19 Pandemic,” Studies in Social Justice 17 (1): 91-111


Basok, T, A. Lopez-Sala, and G. Avalone, 2023. "Ambivalent Resonance: Advocacy For Secure Status For Migrant Farm Workers In Spain, Italy and Canada During The Covid-19 Pandemic" 17 (1): 68-90


Basok, T. and N. Piper. 2023.  “Farm Work, Migration And The Diverse Forms Of Struggle For Social Justice (Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue),” 17 (1): 1-9


 Basok, T. E. M. Tucker, L. F. Vosko, S. Caxaj, J. L. Hennebry, S. Mayell, J. McLaughlin, A. M. Weiler, 2023. “The ‘contract’ and its discontents: Can it address protection gaps for migrant agricultural workers in Canada?” International Migrationhttps://doi.org/10.1111/imig.13121


Vosko, L., T. Basok, C. Spring, G. Candiz and G. George, 2022. "Understanding Migrant Farmworkers’ Health and Well-Being during the Global COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada: Toward a Transnational Conceptualization of Employment Strain," International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,  https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/14/8574/pdf


Candiz, G. and T. Basok. 2021. Le droit à la ville ou le droit à la mobilité? Les demandeurs d'asile d'Amérique centrale en attente dans l'espace urbain tijuanense. Canadian Geographer.  https://doi.org/10.1111/cag.12701


Candiz, G. and T. Basok. 2021. Intensity and uncertainty: Performing border conflicts at the US–Mexico borderlands, Population, Space and Placehttp://doi.org/10.1002/psp.2441


Basok, T. and G. George, 2020. “We are part of this place, but I do not think I belong.” Temporariness, Social Inclusion and Belonging among Migrant Farmworkers in Southwestern Ontario, International Migration  https:/doi.org/10.1111/imig.12804


Rojas Wiesner, M. L. and T. Basok. 2020 Legalidad ilegal y precariedad: la perspective desde del sur de México: Revista Sociologias 22 (55): 74-103


Basok, T. & G. Candiz, 2020 "Containing mobile citizenship: changing geopolitics and its impact on solidarity activism in Mexico," Citizenship Studies, 24 (4): 474-492 https://doi.org/10.1080/13621025.2020.1755160


Basok, T. and M. Rojas. 2017. "Precarious Legality: Regularizing Central American Migrants in Mexico" Ethnic and Racial Studies 41(7): 1274-1293


Basok, T. and M. Rojas. 2017. "Winning a Battle, Losing the War: Migrant Rights Advocacy and its “Influence” on the Mexican State," Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Available on: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08263663.2017.1281941 .


Non-Refereed Articles:


Candiz, G. and T. Basok, 2021. “Gobernanza pandémica en la frontera México-Estados Unidos: refronterización y negación del derecho de asilo,” Boletín (Trans)Fronteriza # 12.




Vosko, L., T. Basok, C. Spring, G. Candiz, G. George, 2022 COVID-19 Among Migrant Farmworkers in Canada: Employment Strain in a Transnational Context, ILO Working Paper 79, https://www.ilo.org/global/publications/working-papers/WCMS_856495/lang--en/index.htm


Grants (2017-2024)

2017-2024: SSHRC Insight Grant, “Status Regularization in Argentina, Costa Rica and Mexico”
2021-2024: Mariam Assefa Fund, “Fair Farm Wages” (directed by Anna Triandafyllidou)
2018-2019: MITACS Accelerate, “International Farm Workers in Essex County: Belonging and Socially Inclusive Rural Communities”