Admission Requirements

Complete Admission Requirements can be found on the Joint PhD in Educational Studies Future Students  web page. 

Information on typical minimum academic requirements for admission to the Joint PhD in Educational Studies Program are included below:

  • Completion of a undergraduate degree followed by a Master’s degree in education with A standing
  • A graduate degree in another discipline:
    • May be considered if academic suitability can be demonstrated
    • May be required to take additional course work, either prior to entry into the program or concurrent with program course work
  • Research competence is demonstrated by the completion of Master's thesis
    • Equivalent evidence of research capacity is required if a thesis has not been completed
  • English is the primary language of communication and instruction in the program. Applicants from other countries who have not completed a degree at a university where the primary language of instruction is English must demonstrate proficiency in English to be considered for admission. Other restrictions via Home Universities may apply, please see PDF Download Program Handbook for more information.

This can be demonstrated in one of the following ways:

  1. A minimum score of 7.0 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), with no individual sub-category score less than 6.5
  2. A minimum score of 100 on the Internet Based Test (iBT) version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), including a minimum score of 27 in the Written component and a minimum score of 27 in the Reading component.
  3. A minimum score of 60 (Brock & Lakehead Universities) and 70 (University of Windsor) on the Canadian Academic English Language (CAEL) examination.

All PhD Students are required to maintain continuous registration during the entire program. There are three terms in the Program: Summer (May to August inclusive), Fall (September to December inclusive), and Winter (January to April inclusive).