Essex CORe Autoclave Room Training

There are two Autoclaves located in room 219 Essex-CORe.  To gain access to this room and the autoclaves please complete the following:


Additional Items for use in Essex-CORe 219

Drying Oven


  • Do not use your own household dishwasher detergent. The dishwasher requires industrial grade detergent that can be purchased through the CCC.
  • Dishwasher Operating Procedures

Ice Machine

  • Use of the ice machine is straight forward. Please ensure the ice machine door is closed correctly at all times - even the slightest opening may cause undue wear and tear to the ice machine. If there are any issues with the ice machine please contact Bob Hodge at or ext 3527.

Water Purification System

Contact the Chemical Control Centre

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Chemical Control Centre
 B37 Essex Hall
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3523
Fax: (519) 973-7013