The kick-off of the Get Active! Stay Active! workplace wellness challenge, Monday in the River Commons, drew more than 40 participants for a walk around campus, ending with a prize draw for packages that included UWindsor gear, tickets to Lancer games, and passes to the Toldo Lancer Centre.
Winners included:
- Tiffany Brown, Odette School of Business
- Kate Hargreaves, Office of the Vice-President of People, Equity, and Inclusion
- Debbie Kane, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Krista Kelly, Career Development and Experiential Learning
- Victoria Meluso, Human Resources
The walkers and other staff, faculty, and students enjoyed cool treats and the cooler sounds of DJ R.J. Sivanesan as the second installment of the Summer Concert Series.
Kelly called the event a fun opportunity to come together with colleagues from across campus.
“Winning a prize was just topping on the cake, particularly the chance to explore and make use of the new Toldo Lancer Centre,” she said.
There is still time to register for the four-week challenge — even late participants will enter a prize draw at its conclusion. Sign up here.