Lindsey Boshart is grateful for participating in the UWill Discover Conference.
“This was truly an amazing opportunity to showcase my undergraduate research and gain invaluable presentation experience,” says the biomedical sciences major.
Her presentation “Enhancement of OECT-Based Biosensors through Synthetic Manipulation of Semiconducting Polymers” was one of three selected for top honours from more than 60 student presenters, announced during an appreciation event last week.
Also honoured were Dami Babs-Olurenfemi for her nursing poster “Fecal Microbiota Transplantation as a Mental Health Intervention,” and master of education candidate Kate Hargreaves for her presentation “Trauma-Informed Practices in Ontario University Writing Centres.”
Erika Kustra, one of the four judges who selected the three winners, called the April 5 UWill Discover Day of Excellence an “inspiring and uplifting” event.
“I was so impressed with the high quality of presentations and the wide variety of intriguing questions being studied, from leadership models to feces to the chemistry behind wearable technology,” she said.
The UWill Discover Sustainable Futures project was funded in part by the Social Sciences Humanities and Research Council of Canada, the Student Success and Leadership Centre, and the Office of Research and Innovation Services.
Project lead Tim Brunet says that expanding the project — including establishing a new podcast, a Model United Nations team, and a new journal — couldn’t have happened without the enthusiastic participation of students and support from the campus community.
Learn more on the uwindsor.ca/uwilldiscover website.