The newest concept in the Marketplace food court, Wok N Roll serves accessible Chinese dishes.
The newest concept in the Marketplace food court, Wok N Roll serves accessible Chinese dishes.
Several Food Services outlets will remain open through the summer.
A prize draw awaits diners who complete a tour of each of the stations in the Marketplace food court.
The Marketplace will offer self-serve Tim Hortons coffee and pastries, soups, salads, sandwiches and confectionary products this summer.
The Marketplace food outlet in the CAW Student Centre will open for breakfast this year.
Installation of the new Second Cup station in the Marketplace food court is running a little behind schedule, but campus caffeine fiends take heart – you’ll still be able to get your fix.
The Tim Horton’s outlet in the CAW Student Centre will continue operations until the Second Cup is up and running, says manager Mark Bagley.
“The utility connections are taking longer than we thought, but no worries,” he says. “If it takes an extra day, we’ll keep Tim’s open a day. And if it should take 10, we’ll keep it open for 10 days.”