The Organization of Part-time University Students will distribute free gift packages to its members while quantities last.
The Organization of Part-time University Students will distribute free gift packages to its members while quantities last.
An open house June 21 and 23 provided information for those considering part-time studies at the University of Windsor.
A Spring Open House next week will bring attention to ways that busy people can make a university education part of their lives.
An open house June 21 and 23 will explain programs and benefits provided by the Organization of Part-time University Students.
Student governments are serving free pasta for lunch and dinner today.
The 24th annual banquet of the Organization of Part-time University Students was a huge success, says executive director Maryan Amalow, with 140 guests gathering in Vanier Hall on March 24 to honour 14 awards recipients.
“It was an exceptional celebration of our 47 years of existence, acknowledging those outstanding individuals who make our university a unique place and those students that lead the way to a successful future,” she says.
Friday, March 11, is the deadline to RSVP for the awards banquet of the Organization of Part-time University Students.
The 24th annual OPUS awards banquet is March 24.
A draw for a $250 prize awaits attendees at the Organization of Part-time University Students winter social.
The Organization of Part-time University Students (OPUS) invites nominations for its awards, recognizing professors and staff members and celebrating the contributions of part-time students and the organization’s members.
All part-time undergrads, as well as UWindsor staff and faculty members, are welcome to submit nominations for these awards: