Organization of Part-time University Students

alumni at Rock of Ages eventAlumni enjoying the ambience in the CAW Student Centre Thursday: Stephanie Groves, Judi Wilson, Barb Biggar, Ray Laurinaitis, Rick MacDonald, Steve and Claudia Freeman.

Decades of music echo through anniversary concert

Organizers called Thursday’s 50th anniversary Rock of Ages concert a huge success.

OPUS officials congratulate provost Leo Groarke.OPUS officials congratulate provost Leo Groarke, recipient of the organization’s 2014 Friend of Students Award. From left: vice-president Anthony Meloche, health plan administrator Steve Jancev, executive director Maryan Amalow, Dr. Groarke, president Ed King.

Banquet honours OPUS award recipients

The 22nd annual OPUS Awards Banquet recognized 14 award recipients Thursday.

Potluck lunch today to offer taste of world cuisines

The Organization of Part-time University Students invites students, faculty and alumni to its 11th annual Potluck Lunch today—Tuesday, November 19—in room 172, CAW Student Centre, from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m.

Bring a dish to feed 20 to 25 people, or just drop in. Organizers will provide a main dish and some beverages, including water and coffee. For more information, phone 519-253-3000, ext. 3603.