Appeal Process

Informal Review

Where a student wishes to review a grade awarded for assigned work at any time during the term the course is being taught, and up to the time recommendations are officially submitted to the College of Teachers, an informal inquiry can be made to the Instructor responsible for the course. Assigned work includes tests, seminars, oral presentations, final projects and all other academic exercises that will be used in calculating a grade.

The purpose of the inquiry is to review the work submitted and to allow for any reconsideration of the grade status if it is in question. This must be done within the time limit as established by the Instructor, but not later than ten working days after the release or publication of the status. This review does not preclude the student from appealing in a formal manner.

Formal Appeal

When a student believes their evaluation in the course does not accurately represent their accomplishments because of incorrect evaluation of work or because of procedural irregularity, the following procedure shall be made available.

  • The student may formally appeal through the Faculty of Education at a fee of $35.00.

  • The appeal will be referred to the Faculty of Education who will be required to instruct the Instructor responsible for assigning that grade to review all assigned work for the purposes of re-evaluation.

  • The Associate Dean or the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator shall inform the student of the result of the appeal. The student will be informed of the outcome, with reasons (if reasons for the appeal were submitted) in writing and if successful, the $35.00 fee will be refunded.

Considerations for Health, Bereavement, or Extenuating Circumstances – Informal Request

A student who wishes to receive consideration on matters affecting or shown to affect their academic performance, such as, serious health circumstances or bereavement based on medical or compassionate grounds, or unanticipated extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student (e.g., jury duty, caring for an ill family member, labour disputes, etc.), should communicate with the Instructor as soon as possible, or at the time when a student's performance is evaluated for the purpose of assigning a grade, taking into account the severity of the illness, bereavement, or other extenuating circumstance. The instructor may choose to handle the matter informally.

In this particular case, too, a student may wish to communicate with the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator as soon as possible, or at the time when a student's performance is evaluated for the purpose of assigning a grade, taking into account the severity of the illness, bereavement, or other extenuating circumstance. A letter of rationale, requesting alternate evaluation or accommodation, and supporting documents (e.g. the attending physician's letter, the call to jury duty) must be submitted. If the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator finds the grounds sufficient, the student's request will be forwarded to the Instructor who shall provide an alternate evaluation or accommodation.

A grade of ‘Incomplete’

A student who receives an "Incomplete" will be expected to submit all required assignments as per discussion with the Instructor within four weeks after the last class session, at which time, if the student still did not meet all the requirements, a final grade of F will be entered in the student’s record, except in exceptional circumstances in which case the Continuing Teacher Education Program Coordinator shall specify a period of time greater than four weeks.