Faculty and staff enjoying breakfast at FAHSS State of the Faculty event

State of the Faculty 2024



On May 16, 2024, Dean Cheryl Collier, PhD gave the "State of the Faculty" presentation in the Performance Hall at the SoCA Armouries. In the audience were members of faculty, staff, students, donors, guests, Deans from other faculties, and UWindsor administration.

New this year, the FAHSS State of the Faculty was expanded to include the annual Faculty & Staff Awards of Excellence!

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Champion Award, presented by Dean Cheryl Collier to Dr. Frankie Cachon, Camille Armour, and Angela Wang.

Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Decolonization Champion Award: 
Presented by Dean Cheryl Collier to the co-chairs of the FAHSS EDID Committee, Angela Wang, Camille Armour, and Dr. Frankie Cachon.

As the FAHSS EDID Committee Co-Chairs, Dr. Frankie Cachon, Camille Armour, and Angela Wang led initiatives to dismantle structures, processes, and systems that perpetuate marginalization and exclusion, and advocate for meaningful change at both the department and university-wide levels. For example, they took the initiative to work with the Office of the Registrar on the important issue of deadnaming to reduce harm to the university’s trans and non-binary student population. A working group on gender identity, gender expression, chosen names, and pronouns initiatives supporting trans and non-binary student success has been developed through the Office of the Registrar due, in part, to their advocacy.

Research/Creative Activity Excellence Award:  Presented by Dr. Tanya Basok, associate dean, research to Dr Francisca Omorodion, Sociology & Criminology

Research/Creative Activity Excellence Award: 
Presented by Dr. Tanya Basok, associate dean, research to Dr Francisca Omorodion, Sociology & Criminology.

Dr. Francisca Omorodion’s research focuses on health, women and gender studies, as well as socio-cultural sociology and theory.  She has focused on Black communities and their populations. Her collaborative, multidisciplinary and highly funded research (over $2M in IDRC, NSERC and SSHRC grants) engages directly with issues of gender and youth. Her ongoing research focuses not just locally on Windsor, but also communities throughout Canada and indeed globally in Nigeria and Africa more broadly. She has written three book chapters, thirteen first-authored peer-reviewed articles, as well as nine co-authored peer-reviewed journal articles in international and well-respected journals. In total over 30 publications.

Dr. Omorodion has contributed immensely to knowledge and understanding of the experiences and plight of racialized Black groups by retelling their stories and making their voices heard locally, nationally, and globally through publications in international journals and presentations at learned conferences.

Dr. Kathleen McCrone Teaching Award:  Presented by Kathleen McCrone, professor emerita, to Dr. Gregg French, History

Dr. Kathleen McCrone Teaching Award:  Presented by Kathleen McCrone, professor emerita, to Dr. Gregg French, History.

Despite only being at the University of Windsor in a full-time capacity for three years, Dr. Gregg French has already made an impressive impact on the lives of students, faculty, staff, and individuals throughout our community. He has created an environment where curiosity is encouraged, innovation is celebrated, and accessibility is always paramount. Segueing from the classroom and into the community, Dr. French has established a variety of initiatives that have offered experiential learning opportunities to his students, while providing support to non-profit, equity-seeking groups in the Windsor-Essex-Detroit region. For example, he has organized two symposiums that have enabled his third-year students to engage with the Detroit River Project’s Educational Curriculum and present their proposed public history projects to the local community.

Dr. French has supported students within History through his mentorship of both undergraduate and graduate students. Since Dr. French joined the department, History’s graduate enrollment has increased and this has undeniably been a product of both his fourth-year, research-focused undergraduate courses and his work as the Faculty Advisor of The Great Lakes Journal of Undergraduate History. These opportunities empower students to produce publishable quality research projects, which often sparks their interests in continuing with their studies at the graduate level.

Faculty Service Excellence Award:  Presented by Dr. Brent Lee, associate dean, graduate studies to Dr. Rosanne Menna, Psychology

Faculty Service Excellence Award:  Presented by Dr. Brent Lee, associate dean, graduate studies to Dr. Rosanne Menna, Psychology.

Dr. Rosanne Menna is a long-standing, highly valued, and respected member of the Child Clinical Track in the Department of Psychology. Her service to the department, university, community, and profession are substantial and worthy of recognition. In terms of formal leadership positions within psychology, she has served as Director of Clinical Training (2006-2011), Coordinator of the Child Clinical Track (2019-2021), and more recently Director of the Psychological Services and Research Centre (2021-present). It is noteworthy that Dr. Menna has served on almost every committee within Psychology during her career . . . The breadth of her service speaks to her willingness to serve in whatever role is needed of her and to her diverse skillset.

Staff Service Excellence Award:  Presented by Tracy MacLeod, manager, administration, office of the dean, to Tamilyn Mulvaney, Philosophy and History

Staff Service Excellence Award:  Presented by Tracy MacLeod, manager, administration, office of the dean, to Tamilyn Mulvaney, Philosophy and History.

Tamilyn Mulvaney has served as the Administrative Assistant for both the Department of Philosophy and the Department of History since November 2022. Mulvaney’s position is formally classified as permanent part-time, but their dedication to their work far exceeds their part-time status. Mulvaney approaches their work more as a vocation than a job, a mission dedicated both to helping students and the departments for which they work.


Posted: May 22, 2024