Faculty & Staff Payroll Deduction Plan

How do I sign up for Payroll Deduction?

Apply today for your Faculty & Staff Card at the UwinCARD Office.

Bring your UwinCARD (Staff/Faculty Card) and supply us with a letter from Human Resources veriyfing your full-time employment status (including your employee #) to the UwinCARD Office. The office is open year-round, Monday through Friday from 9:00am until 4:00pm  to have your card activated.

Take advantage of the payroll deduction meal plan. At the end of each two week period, any food purchases made with your card are deducted directly from your pay cheque.

What if I lose my card?

If you lose your card, contact the UwinCARD Office at ext. 8946 immediately to have your card deactivated.

To get a replacement card, please go to the UwinCARD Office. For more information call the UwinCARD Office at ext. 8946