Employment of Graduate Students

There are several employment opportunities for graduate students at the University of Windsor. Some of these are listed below along with important applicable policies.

Review also:

Total number of hours

Full-time graduate students are permitted to work up to 24 hours per week.  The 24 hour limit per week includes income from all employment sources within the University: GA, RA-employment income (not including RA-scholarship), Sessional instructor appointment, Work Study, Food Services, IT Services, Library, Residence Services, etc. and any other University-related employment.

Graduate and teaching assistantships are allocated by the student's academic department, to assist with teaching-related duties.

Full-time doctoral and Master's students in eligible programs may be offered a Graduate Assistantship (GA) for up to 140 hours per term. GA appointments are governed by a cupe4580 collective agreement.

Review more information and resources for Graduate and Teaching Assistants.

RAs are normally funded by a professor's research grant. Payment for RAs can be in one of two forms:  

  • salary 
  • scholarship  

If paid as a salary, an RA is considered employment.

Review more information on:

International students

International students must hold a valid Study Permit and must maintain full-time registration in order to be employed on campus. For more information, review the information posted on the websites of the International Student Centre and Citizenship and Immigration Canada.