InterLibrary Loan

Holiday Closure: December 19 - January 3

Interlibrary loans will be closed from December 19 - January 3. Services will be closed from December 19th to January 3rd. Services will resume locally on January 3rd, but delays may occur depending on the reopening schedules of partner libraries. Thank you for your understanding, and happy holidays!


Borrowing Material from Another Library


All University of Windsor Students, Faculty and Staff

Print items: Try Omni first. Using Omni, you can search for print items (e.g., books) at 15 Ontario university libraries and make requests right there. 
to Omni with your UWinID to get started.
Choose Don & Gail Rodzik Law Library as your pickup location. 


University of Windsor Law Students, Faculty and Staff

For materials not available in the Don & Gail Rodzik Law Library, law students, faculty and staff may send an email to with full details of the item required (title, author, year or edition, title of chapter or article, etc.).  Library staff will make every attempt to request the item from another institution.


Non-law University of Windsor Students, Faculty and Staff

Please visit the Leddy Library ILL department.


Lawyers and Law Firms

Members of the legal community may request the Law Library borrow materials from other libraries on their behalf for the following fee:

$50.00 plus any charges we incur from the lending library.

Please send an email to with complete details of the loan request (title, author, year or edition, title of chapter or article, etc.). 


External Borrowers

Non-members of the legal community are not eligible for interlibrary loan services. Please visit the Windsor Public Library.

Last updated March 29, 2023 LM.