Academic Qualifications
PhD (Nursing). University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. 2003
MScN. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario. 1989
BScN. University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. 1980
Teaching Areas
- Community and Population Health
- Women’s Health
- Health Promotion
- Environmental Health
- Research Methodology
Research Interests
- Quality of Worklife Issues
- Recruitment and Retention of Nurses
- Workplace Wellness
- Work-Family Balance
- Health Promotion through the Lifespan
- Women's Health
Current Research
- Recruitment and Retention of Males in the Nursing Profession
- Promoting Healthy Lifestyle Choices through Workplace Wellness Initiatives
- Conflict Resolution
Selected Publications
Kane, D., (2015). Bullying, Encyclopedia of Nursing Education, Springer Publishing, 2015, Editor(s) - Smith, M.J., Carpenter, R., & Fitzpatrick, J.J., New York.
Kane, D., et al. Promoting Wellness Through Healthy Workplace Policy; A quick reference guide. University of Windsor. (2015).
Rajacich, D., Kane, D., Lafreniere, K., Freeman, M., Daabous, J, Cameron, S., (2014). Work Factors Influencing Male RNs Job Satisfaction and Intent to Stay in the Profession, Canadian Journal of Nursing Research, 46(3), 94-109.
Crawley, J. Kane, D., Atkinson, L., Hamilton, M., Dobson, K., Watson, J., (2013). Needs of the Hidden Homeless - No Longer Hidden: A pilot Study, Public Health, 127, 674-680.
Rajacich, D., Kane, D., Williston, C., & Cameron, S., (2013). If they do call you a nurse, its always a "male nurse": Experiences of men in the nursing profession, Nursing Forum, 48(1), 71-80.
C. Clarke, D. Kane, D. Rajacich, K. Lafreniere, (2012). Bullying in Undergraduate Clinical Nursing Education, Journal of Nursing Education, 51(5), 269-276.
Cameron, S., Armstrong-Stassen, M., Kane, D. & Moro, F., (2008). Musculoskeletal Problems Experienced by Older Nurses in Hospital Settings, Nursing Forum, 43(2), 103-114
Kane, D., Thomas, B., (2000). Nursing & the "F" word, Nursing Forum, 35 (2), 17-24
Kane, D., (1999). Job-sharing: A retention strategy for nurses, Canadian Journal of Nursing Leadership, 12(4), 16-22.
Undergraduate Courses Taught:
- Community Health Nursing
- Community Health Clinical
- Introduction to Nursing Concepts I & II
Graduate Courses Taught:
- Research Methodology
- Impact of the Environment on Health
- Community & Population Health
- Health of Individuals and Families
Memberships and Community Service
- Registered Nurses Association of Ontario, Region 1 Board Representative
- Sigma Theta Tau International, Tau Upsilon Chapter, Past President
- Working Toward Wellness Committee, WECHU
- WECHC Partnership Advisory Committee
- University of Windsor, Senate Representative