Health & Wellness

What if your student gets sick?

Expect your student to get sick, and rest assured that he/she will tell you about it, over and over again!

Once in university, your student will be exposed to a whole new group of people and "germs". Close living quarters, irregular sleep schedules, and stress almost guarantees a series of "colds" waiting to happen!

Medical and Health Services provides students with access to medical care covered by OHIP.

When Health Services is closed, emergency care is available via the campus Emergency Response Team or students can visit the nearby medical clinics or emergency rooms. Students can have prescriptions filled by the University Pharmacy or nearby Shoppers Drug Mart.

Students who are sick during critical academic periods should contact their professors to ask for special consideration for handing in assignments or rescheduling tests and exams. Most professors will expect to see some medical documentation.

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Health Services