Graphic of flowers with text - Leadership & You, Organizational/Group Leadership, International Leadership. Sustainability Goals Wheel located on the left.

Leadership Development Opportunities

Outstanding Scholars Orientation & Leadership Workshops

Throughout the year OS students have opportunities to engage in Leadership workshops offered through the Student Success and Leadership Centre. Details will be shared during the Outstanding Scholars Orientation to be held on Saturday, September 10, 2022. The Leadership framework for 2022/2023 involves three themes, Leadership & You, Organizational/Group Leadership, and International Leadership envisioned through the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. The AIM Leadership Symposium, the Lancer Leadership Conference and the UWill Discover conferences include opportunities for OS students to lead activities and participate in workshops.

Our Guiding Principles for Leadership

Our leadership programming targets human development with the underpinning framework being the Human Development and Capability Approach. We also include content that is corporate in nature through a connection with the International Leadership Association initiatives. To learn more contact, Dr. Tim Brunet, at 

Outstanding Scholars Student Council

The OSSC offers students the opportunity to help steer the OS program, and organize activities for Scholars. Elections are held in March, to elect the council for the following academic year. In September, First Year Representatives are elected.

Outstanding Scholars Peer Mentor Program

The OS program offers an eight-week Peer Mentor program to incoming first-year Candidates. This program is coordinated by OS students, and it offers Scholars the opportunity to help new students transition into the scholarly life of the university.