
  • Collins, S., Ko, G., Yasynskyy, Y., Kuo, B. C. H., Sesma, M., Jay, M., Nardone, S., Glos, B., Mahdi, M., & Hussein, N. (2023). Centring relationships in counselling practice. In G. Ko, S. Collins, and Y. Yasynskyy (Eds.). A practical guide for counsellors: Co-creating safe and culturally responsive relational spaces. ColYasKo.

  • Oda, A., Adnan A. M. Al-Saadi, R., Arya, N., Awwad, M., Hajjar, O., Hanley, J., Hynie, M., Ives, N., Jamil, R., Khalaf, M., Khyar, R., Kuo, B. C. H., Massijeh, M., Mohammad, & Sherrell, K. (2022). Ethical challenges of conducting longitudinal Community-based research with refugees: Reflections from peer researchers. In K. Grabska & C. R. Clark-Kazak & (Ed.) (p. 29-55). Documenting displacement: Questioning methodological boundaries in forced migration research. The McGill-Queen's University Press. 

  • Kuo, B. C. H., Nardone, S., Glos, B., Mahdi, M., & Hussein, N. (2021). Therapeutic use of language interpreter [Video]. In G. Ko, M. Anderson, S. Collins, and Y. Yasynskyy (Eds.), Fostering responsive therapeutic relationships: Repositioning microskills and techniques in service of just conversations. Counselling Concepts. CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

  • Kartolo, A. B. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2021). Trust in the Taiwanese context. In C. Kwantes and B. C. H. Kuo (Eds.) (p. 53-69), Trust and Trustworthiness across Cultures: Implications for Societies and Workplaces. Springer.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2020). Multicultural counselling training and intercultural training: A Synthesis. In D. Landis and Bhawuk D. P. S. (Eds.), Handbook of intercultural training (4th ed.) (p.407-439). London, UK: Cambridge University Press. 

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2020). Communicating and bridging relationship gaps across language, generational, and cultural Divides: A case of Asian Canadian Immigrant Churches in Toronto. In N. S. Song, B. C. H. Kuo, D. H. Kim, & I. K. Kim (Eds.). People of Faith, People of Jeong: The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow (p. 138-159). Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers.  

  • Liang, L. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2020). A brief history of Taiwanese Immigrants Churches in Canada. In N. S. Song, B. C. H. Kuo, D. H. Kim, and I. K. Kim (Eds.). People of Faith, People of Jeong: The Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow (p.17-29) . Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock Publishers. 

  • Kuo, B. C. H., Huang, S., Keshavarzi, S., & Taylor, R. (2020). Facilitating cultural transition: Counselling and clinical interventions with immigrants and refugees. In G. McAullife (Ed.). Culturally alert counselling: A comprehensive introduction (p. 473-490). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. 

  • Kuo, B. C. H. & Boucher, C. M. (2020). Training and preparing therapist trainees to work with refugee clients through a multicultural psychotherapy practicum: The training model and its learning impacts. In Kottler, J., Banu, S., and Jani, S. (Eds.) Handbook of refugee experience: Trauma, resilience, and recovery (p. 330-342). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. 

  • Boucher, C. M. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2020). A Syrian refugee mother’s trauma recovery from domestic violence through therapy: Narrative reflections from the refugee client, the language interpreter, and the therapist. In Kottler, J., Banu, S., and Jani, S. (Eds.). Handbook of refugee experience: Trauma, resilience, and recovery (p. 143-158). San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing. 

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2018). Refugee-serving multicultural therapy practicum: An example of a culture-infused, service-based training program. In N. Arthur (Eds.). Counseling in cultural context: Identity and social justice (p. 359-379). Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. & Rodriguez-Rubio, B. (2018). Infusing Asian traditional healing practices into counseling psychology. In R. Moodly, L. Ted, N. Zhu, & M. Ishii (Eds.). Asian healing traditions: Implications for health and mental health (p. 67-81). CA: Sage Publication.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2017). 多元文化諮商風潮:回顧多元文化諮商的過去、現在、未來,及其對臺灣諮商的啟示 (Chinese Title) (The Multicultural Counseling Movement: A review of its past, present & future and its implications for counselling in Taiwan). In P. H. Chen (陳秉華) (EDs). 多 元文化諮商在臺灣 (Multicultural Counselling in Taiwan) (p. 27-50). 心理出版社 (Psychology Publisher):Taipei, Taiwan.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2017). 背景緒論: 多元文化諮商及專業訓練的基本定義、概念與架構 (Chinese Title) (Foundational definitions, concepts and frameworks of multicultural counselling and training: An introductory survey). In P. H. Chen (陳秉華) (Eds.). 多 元文化諮商在臺灣 (Multicultural Counselling in Taiwan). 心理出版社 (Psychology Publisher) (p. 51-81):Taipei, Taiwan.

  • Hsu, W. S. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2017). Working with the Taiwanese mother-daughter relational conflict from the Solution-Focused Brief Therapy framework: A practice-based reflection In D. Hogan, D. Hogan, J. Tuomola & A. Yeo (Eds.) Solution stories from Asia: Adapting solution focused practice in Asian contexts (pp.73-77). Singapore: Taylor & Francis.

  • Hsu, W. S. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2013). Solution-Focused Supervision with School Counselors in Taiwan. In F. N. Thomas, Solution-Focused Supervision: A Resource-Oriented Approach to Developing Clinical Expertise (pp.197-204). New York: Springer.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2012). Situating multicultural counselling in the Canadian cultural context: A reflection on Clemmont Vontress’s Works. In R. Moodley, L. Epp & H. Yusuf (Eds.). Counseling across the Cultural Divide: The Clemmont E. Vontress Reader (pp.261-275). United Kingdom: PCCS Books, UK

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2010). Predicting cultural adaptation of elderly Chinese immigrants within a bidirectional model of acculturation: Canadian acculturation and Chinese identification. In D. Durst & M. MacLean (Eds.). Diversity in Aging among Immigrant Seniors in Canada: Changing Faces and Greying Temples (pp.409-427). Detselig Enterprises Ltd.

  • Bhagat, R. S.,Steverson, P. K., & Kuo, B. C. H. (2009). Cultural variations in work stress and coping in an era of globalization. In R. S. Bhagat & R. M. Steers (Eds.). Handbook of Culture, Organizations, & Work (pp. 418-441). Cambridge University Press.

  • Billing, T., Bhagat, R., Lammel, A., … Kuo, B. C. H. & other country collaborators (2009). Temporal orientation and its relationships with organizationally valued outcomes: Results from a 14 country investigation. In A. Gari &  K. Mylonas (Eds.). Q.E.D. From Herodotus’ Ethnographic Journeys to Cross-Cultural Research (pp.211-220). The 18th International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology volume of selected manuscripts. Athens, Greec: Pedio Books Publishing.

  • Kuo, B. C. H. (2008).Teaching based on a framework of continuous learning. In W.C. Ho (Ed.). Character and Innovative Education (pp.1-10). Tzu Chi University Press, Hua-Lien, Taiwan.  

  • Kuo, B. C. H. & Guan J. (2006). Sociocultural predictors of depression for Chinese immigrant elderly in Canada: Acculturation, relationship with adult children, social support, and perceived services barriers. In D. Zinga. (Ed.). Navigating Multiculturalism: Negotiating Changes (pp.379-398). Cambridge Scholars Press, Newcastle, U.K.

  • Kwantes, C. & Kuo, B. C. H. (2020). Trustworthiness across Cultures: Implications for Societies and Workplaces (Eds). In Cross-Cultural Industrial and Organizational Psychology Series. Springer.

  • Song, N. S., Kuo, B. C. H., Kim, D. H., & Kim, I. K. (2020). People of Faith People of Jeong (Qing): Asian Canadian Churches of Today for Tomorrow (Eds). Wipf & Stock

Kuo, B. C. H. (2018). Special Issue on Refugee Mental Health. Guest Editor for Psynopsis: Canada’s Psychology Magazine. Canadian Psychological Association. Available on-line at

  • Philipp-Muller, N., & Kuo, B. C. H. (2023). The effect of cultural coping and heritage language on well-being in a multilingual sample. An oral presentation at the Biannual Conference of the International Academy of Intercultural Research, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.