The following documents helped inform the creation of the University’s new strategic plan.
Positioning and Feedback Documents
- By The Numbers: UWindsor is an integral part of our region
- Senate Information Session
- Information Sheets
- Position Paper - Aspire: Together for Tomorrow, University of Windsor Strategic Planning Process
- Position Paper: Summary - University of Windsor's Proposed Strategic Planning Process
- Feedback Summary: What We Heard
Detailed Framework
- Part 1: Process and Consultation
- Part 2: Narratives, Mission, Vision and Values
- Part 3: Foundational Commitments, Strategic Priorities and Opportunities
Strategic Areas of Focus
- Advancing Bold, Impactful Research and Creative Activity
- Becoming an Increasingly Equitable, Diverse, Inclusive and Just Campus
- Continuing the Journey toward Truth and Reconciliation
- Ensuring High Quality, Effective, Relevant Teaching, Learning and Student Experience for Everyone
- Fostering an Engaged, Healthy, and Sustainable Campus
- Generating Local and Global Impact through Partnership and Community Engagement
Consultation Data Summaries
- Alumni Listening Survey
- Campus Climate and Experience
- Campus Climate and Experience (ORID Method)
- Community Engagement and Partnerships
- Community Engagement and Partnerships (ORID Method)
- Community Listening Events
- Core Questions
- COVID-19
- Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
- Indigenization and Decolonization
- Mission, Vision, and Values
- Research and Creative Activity
- Research and Creative Activity (ORID Method)
- Strengths and Challenges
- Student Experience
- Teaching and Learning
- Teaching and Learning (ORID Method)
Final Documents
To submit your feedback on the draft strategic framework, please contact If you would prefer to submit your feedback anonymously, please click here.
Thank you for your valued engagement.