The University of Windsor's Strategic Plan
In Spring 2023, the University of Windsor’s Board of Governors and Senate endorsed a new forward-looking strategic plan, Aspire: Together for Tomorrow, charting the University's course for the next five years. Nearly 2,500 people were involved in the plan’s consultations and development.
A high-level guide for fostering strong and unified learning communities, the plan encompasses key commitments: academic excellence, Truth and Reconciliation, equity, diversity, inclusion, sustainability, community engagement, student experience, and a welcoming campus atmosphere.
Bringing Aspire to life will be a collective journey and every member of the UWindsor community has a vital role to play.
"Aspire begins with a fundamental commitment to our people and the relationships among them: students, staff, faculty, alumni, and communities. This commitment must be our compass as we strive to be a university that serves its students along with its communities, and where people, learning, insight and innovation thrive every single day.” President Robert Gordon
Download the Aspire Strategic Plan (PDF)
View the Aspire Strategic Plan
Printed copies of the document are available for pickup on campus - please contact stratplanning@uwindsor.ca to request printed copies.
DailyNews Stories - Aspire: Together for Tomorrow
Latest Update
12 May 2023 - Aspire Strategic Plan: Approval and Launch
We are pleased to report that earlier this spring, the University of Windsor's Board of Governors and Senate approved the institution's next strategic plan, Aspire: Together for Tomorrow.
You are now able to download or view a copy of the approved plan from the engageuwindsor.ca website. Printed copies will also be available for pick up in the CAW Student Centre Atrium from Tuesday, May 23 to Friday, May 26 between the hours of 11am to 2pm.
Save the date: The strategic planning team will also host a drop-in ‘Thank You Reception’ for Aspire committee members and Board of Governors on Tuesday, May 23 from 2pm to 4pm in the Assumption Hall Heritage Room. A calendar invitation will follow.
Thank you for your valued engagement in this process.
Strategic Planning
Office of the President | University of Windsor