X-Ray Safety Permits

How to Apply for X-Ray Safety Permits and Amendments 

The Research Safety Committee reviews all research and teaching projects involving use of X-Ray devices to ensure compliance with the Province of Ontario, Ministry of Labour regulations. If the X-Ray device will be used on human subjects, researchers should contact the Research Ethics Board at ethics@uwindsor.ca to obtain the necessary approvals.

To apply for an X-Ray Safety Certificate permit, follow the below steps:

  1. Ensure that all X-Ray devices are certified for use by Health Canada and verify with the vendor before purchasing.

  2. Ensure that the location where the device will be used is approved by the Ministry of Labour prior to purchase, installation, and use of the device. Contact the Chemical Control Centre at ccc@uwindsor.ca to initiate this process.

  3. Complete the Application for an X-Ray Safety Certificate through the ERSO Portal

    • Refer to the ERSO Guide for Researchers for reference about completing your application through ERSO or watch the How-to Video on the bottom of this page for further guidance.  

    • If you have any X-Ray safety related questions for your application, please consult with the Radiation Safety Officer by contacting ccc@uwindsor.ca.

    • If you experience any technical issues with ERSO, please contact the Office of Research and Innovation Services (ORIS) at erso@uwindsor.ca

  4. When your application has been submitted through ERSO, it will move to the "Applications: Under Review" folder. Once it has moved to this folder, you may view your submission, but edits cannot be made to the application. The Radiation Safety Officer will conduct an initial file audit of the application to identify any potential issues. Once satisfied, the Radiation Safety Officer will forward the application to the Research Safety Committee for vetting.

  5. The Research Safety Committee will review the application and may approve, conditionally approve, or defer the application.

    • If you receive a deferral decision, address outstanding conditions, and consult with the committee and the Radiation Safety Officer.

    • If you receive a conditional approval, address the minor changes, and resubmit application to the committee for final approval.

    • Once approved, you will receive an email notifying you of the decision, with a copy sent to the Radiation Safety Officer and Environmental Health and Safety Manager. You can view your approved application in ERSO under the "Applications: Post Review" folder. 

  6. A copy of the X-Ray safety permit will be sent to the Principal Investigator to print and display in their facility and the University of Windsor Certification Management System (ERSO) will be updated to reflect the new permit. 

If there are any changes to your X-Ray Safety Certificate permit, follow the below steps:

  1. Complete the Amendment to X-Ray Safety Certificate form through the ERSO Portal

    • Click on the “Applications: Post Review” folder.

    • Click the “Events” button on the application you wish to amend. 

    • Under the “Create New Event” heading, select the "Amendment to X-Ray Safety Certificate" form. 

    • Fill in the required information and outline the changes being made to your permit.

    • Click the “Submit” button. Indicate any further comments, if required, in the pop-up comment box, and then click submit. 

    • Refer to the How-to Video on the bottom of this page for further guidance. 

  2. When your amendment has been submitted through ERSO, you can view it under the “Applications: Post Review” folder.Click the “Events” button on the application in which you submitted the amendment. You will then see your submitted amendment under the “Events: Under Review” folder. The Radiation Safety Officer will conduct an initial file audit of the amendment to identify any potential issues. Once satisfied, the Radiation Safety Officer will forward the application to the Research Safety Committee for vetting.

    • If there are reviewer comments, you will see them under the header "Events: Requiring Attention" on the ERSO homepage, and it will be highlighted in red.

    • Click on "Events: Requiring Attention", and then click "Events" under the corresponding file. 

    • Select the "Latest Workflow" button under the "Events Requiring Attention" folder. You will then be able to view the comments under the "Logs" tab. 

    • Make the requested edits in the application, and click "Re-Submit." Indicate any further comments, if required, in the pop-up comment box, and then click submit. 

  3. The Research Safety Committee will review the application and may approve, conditionally approve, or defer the application.

    • If you receive a deferral decision, address outstanding conditions, and consult with the committee and the Radiation Safety Officer.

    • If you receive a conditional approval, address the minor changes, and resubmit application to the committee for final approval.

    • Once approved, you will receive an email notifying you of the decision, with a copy sent to the Radiation Safety Officer and Environmental Health and Safety Manager. You can view your approved amendment in ERSO under the “Applications: Post Review” folder. Click the “Events” button on the application in which you submitted the amendment. You will see your approved amendment under the “Events: Post Review” folder.

  4. A copy of the amended X-Ray safety permit will be sent to the Principal Investigator to print and display in their facility and the University of Windsor Certification Management System (ERSO) will be updated to reflect the new permit.

If you have any X-Ray safety related questions for your application, please consult with the Radiation Safety Officer by contacting ccc@uwindsor.ca.

If you experience any technical issues with ERSO, please contact the Office of Research and Innovation Services (ORIS) at erso@uwindsor.ca

Important Information about X-Ray Safety Permits

Researchers should continue to follow the safety measures outlined in the Radiation Safety Manual (.pdf file) in addition to their approved safety protocol. 

If the Research Safety Committee finds that a principal investigator is not following their approved protocol, the committee reserves the right to suspend/revoke a previously approved certificate, which would suspend all research activities and access to research funds until further notice. It is the responsibility of the researcher to ensure that all the information included in their permit application is accurate. If a principal investigator wishes to cancel their permit, please notify the Research Safety Committee and Chemical Control Centre immediately by emailing rsc@uwindsor.ca and ccc@uwindsor.ca.  

ERSO How-to Videos 

Contact the Research Safety Committee

If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. 

Research Safety Committee
Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3923
Email: rsc@uwindsor.ca