Katka Hrncic-Lipovic


Katka Hrncic-Lipovic (she/her)

Field Learning Specialist


Office: 229, 167 Ferry St.

Windsor, ON N9A 0C5

Phone: (519) 253-3000 ext. 3082

Email: katkahl@uwindsor.ca

Scholarly/Professional Practice Interests

  • Field education
  • Decolonizing social work education and practice
  • Gerontology
  • Acculturation, identity, and belonging in Bosnian diaspora (PhD studies)

Educational Background

  • PhD Student, University of Windsor, 2020-present
  • Indigenous Research Methodologies Series, Wilfred Laurier University, 2023
  • Decolonizing Education Certificate, Wilfred Laurier University, 2018
  • MSW, University of Windsor, 2007
  • BA Psychology, University of Windsor - 2004


KATKA HRNCIC-LIPOVIC, MSW, RSW is a White settler, originally from Bosnia-Herzegovina. She currently works as a Field Learning Specialist in the School of Social Work, University of Windsor. Her primary responsibilities include negotiation of field placements, referral of undergraduate and graduate students to field placement sites, confirmation of placements, site visits, and supporting student progress in the field.

Ms. Hrncic-Lipovic has taught courses in field education preparation, Canadian social welfare, policy development and analysis, social justice and social change, and diversity and social work practice.

Ms. Hrncic-Lipovic has been involved in several faculty-led research projects within the School of Social Work as a research associate, focus group facilitator, key informant interviewer, conference organizer, and project coordinator.

At the national level, Ms. Hrncic-Lipovic is a member of the Field Education Committee, at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE). At the provincial level, Ms. Hrncic-Lipovic is a member of the Alliance of Ontario Social Work Field Education Directors (AOSWFED).

Professional Membership

Ontario College of Social Workers and Social Service Workers (2007-present)

Selected Conference Presentations:

Hrncic-Lipovic, K. (2023, June). My decolonizing journey. Decolonizing Journeys Public Conference, Wilfred Laurier University, Faculty of Social Work, Centre for Indigegogy, Six Nations Gathering Place by the Grand, Ohsweken, ON.

Damianakis, T., Alberton, A., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., Bake, A., Barron, A. (2021, September). Arts-based research to explore students' attitudes toward older adults prior to entering the workforce. Aging & Social Change: Eleventh Interdisciplinary Conference, Aging Societies: Extended Working Lives & Discrimination Against Older Workers (Online), Vancouver, BC.

Dias, G., Poole, Absolon, K., Poole, J., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., & Janes, J. (2019, June). From circle to change: Waking up to decolonizing work. Circle dialogue at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) 2019 Conference: Circles of Conversation: Engaging in Social Justice through Transformative Action, Vancouver, BC.

Bake, A., Alberton, A., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., Barron, A., & Damianakis, T. (2019, June). Key facilitative factors in an arts-based research project developed to challenge ageism and negative attitudes toward older adults in field practicum. Paper presentation at the Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) Conference, Circles of Conversation: Engaging in Social Justice through Transformative Action, Vancouver, BC. 

Hrncic-Lipovic, K., Alberton, A., Bake, A., Barron, A., & Damianakis, T. (2019, June). Stories of critical reflection and healing: Gerontology students' experiences with an arts-based research project. Canadian Association for Social Work Education (CASWE) 2019 Conference, Circles of Conversation: Engaging in Social Justice through Transformative Action, Vancouver, BC.

Fabre, C., Simon Migwans, P., Taylor, K., Poole, J., Briggs, J., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., Vanner, C., Janes, J., Absolon King, K., Dias, G., & Flynn, L. (2019, June). From circle to change: Waking up to decolonizing work. Interactive workshop at the Annual Conference of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE), Winnipeg, MB.Hind, C., 

Hrncic-Lipovic, K., & Andrews, T. (2019, April). Being your authentic self: Intimacy and sexual expression in older years. Presentation at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Ageing, A Celebration of Ageing: Active Ageing, Vibrant Communities, Windsor, ON.

Alberton, A., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., Bake, A., Barron, A., & Damianakis, T. (2018, August). Building tapestries, challenging ageism: Exploring students’ attitudes on aging. International Federation on Ageing, 14th Global Conference, Towards a Decade of Healthy Ageing-From Evidence to Action, Toronto, ON.

Hrncic-Lipovic, K., & Hind, C. (2018, August). Advocating for older persons’ right to sexual expression and intimacy in long-term care settings. Social Work and Sexualities International Conference, Montreal, QC.

Book Chapters

Hrncic-Lipovic, K. (2023, manuscript in preparation). Re-writing the stories we were told about Canada. In K. Absolon, G. Dias, S. Dion, J. Janes, J. Poole, C. Rice, H. Fowlie, & J. Hutchinson (Eds.), Decolonizing Journeys. Fernwood Publishing.

Angell, G.B. & Hrncic-Lipovic, K. (2008).  Canada's Unique Psychosocial Realities.  In J.C. Turner & F. J. Turner (Eds.), Canadian Social Welfare.  Toronto, ON:  Pearson Education.

Peer-Reviewed Publications

McMurphy, S., Weaver, R., Hrncic-Lipovic, K., & Habibov, N. (2013). Cultivating social capital through summer employment programs: Perspectives from youth participants. Critical Social Work, 14(2).