Based at the University of Windsor, AIPARG is comprised of faculty and graduate students across disciplines who conduct research on the intersection of abuse against people and animals.
Working with the community, AIPARG aims to understand the co-occurrence of animal and interpersonal violence and advocate for change in policy and practice to better address the needs of those affected by abuse – human and animal alike.
Kathleen Wilson, a grad student who worked as a Research Assistant on one of AIPARG's recent research projects produced a video about it. The video has placed in the top 25 entries in the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada's Storytellers national contest. Here is her video.
Allison Gray, a graduate student member of AIPARG, eloquently presented the rationale for researching the connections between animal and interpersonal abuse in her 2017 SSHRC Storyteller submission. Amid very steep national competition, Allison was selected as a final 5 finalist! Congratulations!
In our pilot study of women in shelters, animal abuse significantly increased the desire to leave an abuser, but the presence of pets also posed a barrier in doing so because most shelters do not have pet programs. Shelters are increasingly recognizing the dilemma that women with pets confront and we are looking to mitigate it. In 2012, Rose Brooks Center became the first domestic violence shelter in the region of Kanas City, MO to welcome four-legged family members.
The research and ongoing activities of AIPARG are funded in part by the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (FAHSS) at the University of Windsor and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC).