Jill Grant
Professor Emertius
Scholarly Interests/Areas of Expertise
- Community mental health practice
- Participation of service-users
- Stigma
- Program evaluation
- Participatory action research
- Qualitative research
- Social Work education
- Service user/service provider relationships
- Anti-oppressive practice
- Critical theories
Educational Background
- Ph.D. and M.S.W., Wilfrid Laurier University
- B.A. and B.Ed., University of Western Ontario
Courses Taught
02-47-117, Meeting Human Needs Through Social Welfare
02-47-336, Theory, Practice of Social Work with Individuals
02-47-337, Theory, Practice of Social Work with Small Groups
02-47-416, Social Work and Intersectionality
02-47-431, Integration Seminar II
02-47-523, Challenges in Human Development
02-47-570, Integration Seminar
02-47-610, Advanced Direct Social Work Practice
02-47-621, Social Justice and Vulnerable Populations
02-47-731, Civic Engagement: Promoting Social Justice
02-47-750, Scholarship - Teaching and Learning, Social work Education
JILL GRANT has worked as a front line social worker and supervisor in these areas: mental health, corrections, sexual violence (offenders and survivors), mediation, and crisis intervention. She has provided training and consultation to organizations regarding supervision, boundaries, relationships with service users, and mediation. She teaches and conducts participatory research in areas related to mental health services, direct practice, relationships with service users, and social inclusion and exclusion. Jill is a passionate advocate for the full participation of service users in the planning, delivery, and monitoring of social work services, and for peer support, peer engagement in research, and community- based action oriented research.
Professional and Education Responsibilities
- Undergraduate Program Coordinator (2011-present)
- Undergraduate Studies Committee (Chair)
- Representative on Faculty Coordinating Council (2012-present)
- Representative on University Senate (2012-present)
- Member, Board of Directors, Legal Assistance of Windsor (2013-present)
Recent Publications
Journal Articles
Morrow, Marina; Hemingway, Dawn; Grant, Jill G ; Jamer, Brenda (2012). Psycho-geriatric Care: Building Rural Community Capacity, Rural and Remote Health, 12(1971), 1-12.
Grant, Jill; Westhues, Anne (2011). Mental Health Crisis/Respite: A Process Evaluation, Social Work in Mental Health, 10(4), 31-52.
Westhues, A.; Janzen, R.; Roth, D.; Grant, J. (2011). Community Mental Health Organizations in Ontario: Perceptions of Cultural Responsiveness, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(2), 99-111..
Grant, J.G. (2010). Supporting Prosumer Employment: Results from an Ethnography of Two Ontario Community Mental Health Organizations, Canadian Journal of Community Mental Health, 29(1), 81-93, 2010, June.
Grant, Jill (2010). Embracing an emerging structure in mental health services: Hope, respect and affection, Qualitative Social Work, 9(1), 53-72.
Grant, Jill G.; Westhues, Anne (2010). Choice and Outcome in Mental Health Housing, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal,33(3).
Grant, J.G.; Cadell,S. (2009). Power, pathological worldviews and the strengths perspective in social work, Families in Society,90(4), 425-430.
Book Chapters
Grant, Jill G.; Munro, Tonya, Housing Policy In Westhues, Anne & Wharf, Brian, Canadian Social Policy: Issues and Perspectives, 355-370, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2012, Editor(s) - Westhues, Anne & Wharf, Brian, 5th Edition.
Nelson, Geoffrey; Grant, Jill (2011). Consumer Participation in Mental Health Services In Vingilis, Evelyn, R.; State, Stephen A., Applied Research and Evaluation in Community Mental Health Services, 129-145, McGill-Queen's University Press..
Grant, Jill, Nelson, Geoffrey, Mitchell, Terry (2008). Negotiating the Challenges of Participatory Action Research:Relationships, Power, Participation, Change, and Credibility, Handbook of Action Research, 589-601,
Sage. Editor(s) - Peter Reason, Hilary Bradbury, 2nd Edition.
Research/Recent Funded Projects
Peer Qualitative Research Group: Peer Analysis of data collected by the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Relationships between Mental Health Service Users and Service Providers
Social Work Student Transitions from High School to University
Automotive Safety in First Nations Communities (Principal Investigator, Dr. Brent Angell)