
Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation
Room 150, Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre
519-253-3000, ext. 3987

Shanthi Johnson, PhD, RD, FDC, FACSM, FGSA
Vice-President, Research and Innovation

519-253-3000 ext: 3987
Sandy Mehenka
Secretary to the VPRI

519-253-3000 ext: 3987


Sarah Sacheli
Research Communications, Events and Awards Coordinator

519-253-3000 ext: 3906

Our Location

The Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation is located on the first floor of the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre. The Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre is located on Wyandotte Street West between Sunset Avenue and California Avenue.

Visitor Parking is available in the parking structure located directly behind the Joyce Entrepreneurship Centre.