Working in consultation with the University’s Strategic Research Plan Implementation Committee, the Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation has recast our Strategic Research Plan. Reflecting the objectives of the University’s Strategic Priority Plan and the goals outlined in our Strategic Mandate Agreement, our new Strategic Research Plan highlights the uniqueness of our research community and our historic research strengths, and provides a solid framework from which we can pursue our four Grand Challenges: to Safeguard Healthy Great Lakes; Foster Sustainable Industry; Understand and Optimize Borders; and Build Viable, Healthy and Safe Communities. It is a cogent yet flexible strategy designed not only to facilitate continued excellence in research, scholarship, and creative activity, but also to actively engage our research community and collaborative partners. Going forward, we are confident that our Strategic Research Plan will allow us to realize our promise as a place that is recognized nationally and internationally for advancing collective understanding of the world around us, maximizing benefits to society, and enhancing quality of life today and tomorrow.
To view the University of Windsor’s new Strategic Research Plan, please refer to the link below:
Strategic Research Plan: Meeting our Grand Challenges (.pdf)