Giselle St. Louis

Giselle St. Louis

Giselle has worked as a therapist in the mental health field for 25 years and prior to this, she worked as a Professional Engineer. She was a therapist in the Metro Detroit area for 15 years before coming to the University of Windsor. In Michigan, she worked as a therapist with people of all ages, having a wide variety of mental health conditions, life circumstances, socio economic/ethnic/racial backgrounds, and sexual/gender orientations. Currently, she works as the faculty of engineering clinical therapist. She helps students to challenge and reframe their stress inducing perspectives, to identify strengths and resources that they already possess, and to transform the distress that they present with at the beginning of therapy into an experience of increased competence, confidence and fulfilment in themselves, their personal and academic lives.

Learn about Giselle's therapy partner, Winnie the therapy dog!