October 26, 2018 - Cheyene Shuart
Worried about your future success story? The future is brighter than you think! Here is some wisdom from one of our successful alumni from the Nursing program at UWindsor!
I met Madi through my best friend in my first year of university. I remember being so awe-inspired when I saw the massive textbooks she was reading for the BScN program at uWindsor and thanking my lucky stars I didn’t have to suffer through all that. She and her lovely nursing friends would study hard in Leddy West for some of the hardest exams I’ve ever heard of, and I have always been so inspired by her perseverance and dedication to her field. Today, Madi is an Operating Room nurse at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and is in process of meeting her career goals and developing her career every day. I asked her to share some wisdom with current uWindsor students about her experience meeting her career goals, and here is what she had to say.
1) When you were a kid, what did you think you were going to do when you grew up?
Originally, I wanted to be a vet, like any kid who loved animals. But I had many nurses in the family and I loved working with people therefore I was won over by the nursing profession and I couldn’t be happier!
2) During university, where did you expect to be?
During University in the nursing program, I had no idea what to expect. Going into it I thought I had an idea of what nursing was, but there was so much more to it. It was very challenging, but also rewarding. I wasn't sure what nursing field I wanted to go into, but I had an interest in the Operating Room.
3) During university, did anything/anyone help you move towards your career goals?
While at the university of Windsor, the professors helped tremendously. They were so wonderful and were always available for extra guidance when needed. They pushed and helped shape us to become the best nurses we can be. Also meeting other nurses during clinicals helped to form connections to get our foot in the door for our careers. Nursing is a team effort, and even in school my fellow classmates and I helped each other study and work together and I am still close with most of these amazing nurses!
4) Did you ever expect to be where you are now?
My goal in nursing school was to eventually get to the Operating Room, and after a year of floor nursing I had met my goal of joining the OR team. I did not think I would have been able to meet my goal so soon, but the University of Windsor nursing program gave me the tools I needed to become a strong, confident nurse and person.
5) Looking back, how have your career goals changed, if they have?
My career goals have not changed much, but I am still very new in the profession. I am excited to keep learning and growing as a nurse and a person.
6) What do you see yourself doing down the road?
I just started my journey in the operating room, so I am excited to see where that takes me! I still see myself nursing in some way, shape or form down the road!
7) What advice would you give to a student just starting to explore their career goals? Is there anything you wished you knew back then?
Even if you don’t know where you want to be right now, opportunities will arise and you have to take chances. Plans will change and your goals will change, embrace it! I started out doing floor nursing, which I knew I didn’t like as much. But now that I did it I am so glad that I got that experience, learned so much, and met tons of wonderful people! It wasn’t my plan, but I wouldn’t be the nurse I am today if I didn’t have that experience! Take something from each experience!
Even for those of us not in the BScN program, Madi’s advice rings true: it’s important to explore every opportunity, and sometimes we have to take opportunities we’re not fond of to get to the ones we will be. Making connections, taking risks, and being flexible are all part of the gig. Career development can be scary, but perseverance and not being afraid to depend on your professors, friends, and resources at the University can help you along your way!
If you’re not sure where you see yourself after graduation, stop in at Career Development and Experiential Learning in JEC 100 between 10-4 Monday through Friday for some drop-in career advising, and let us help you get started on your journey!