Becoming A Career Peer Advisor and Why It Is the Best Job on Campus

March 22, 2019 - Cheyene Shuart

Do you want to engage with students, teach career development skills, and develop yourself while working on campus? Check out this amazing opportunity with the office of Career Development and Experiential Learning. We are now accepting applications for the 2019-20 Career Peer Advsing team -- check out job posting #58054 on mySuccess!

Each of our Peer Career Advisors feel that our experience working with the office of Career Development and Experiential Learning has been an unparalleled experience that has allowed us to develop our skills, prepare ourselves for our careers, network with influential professionals, and connect with one another and the students we see every day. The benefits of being a Peer Career Advisor have been immeasurable! Here are some of our current Peer Career Advisors’ testimonials and experiences in this position to help you get motivated to apply for the position yourself! 

Headshot of Cheyene Shuart

Cheyene Shuart, Psychology Major, 4th Year: â€śMy experience as a Peer Career Advisor has been the single most beneficial employment position I have ever held, by far. I have had the opportunity to learn career-readiness skills weekly, such as resume and cover letter writing skills, interview skills, job search skills, and much more. During this role, I have had the opportunity to work one on one with students and provide them with constructive feedback, and see their confidence rise as they learn new skills from me that they can apply to job hunting in the future. I’m now considering further education in career counselling because I want to work with individuals in the community who need help getting employment and building career development skills. I strongly recommend this position to anyone who enjoys helping others and learning new skills every week that they can apply and use for the rest of their lives!” 

Headshot of Hellene Meyer

Hellene Meyer, Communications Major, 4th Year: "I'd say what I've gained the most from my position as a Career Peer Advisor is the experience of working in a strong, cohesive team. We're all friends here and that really helps in making our work more enjoyable. Along with advising, my work with the Communications portfolio has provided me with an extensive base of published writing samples that I can share with employers, which has been integral to expanding my own personal portfolio. Being a Peer Advisor has really helped me to further develop my skills in an office setting while also helping other students, which has led to me learning a wide variety of crucial skills that will benefit me for the rest of my career. I fell like this is truly the best job a student at UWindsor can have in order to prepare for their career after graduation." 

Headshot of Nick Welsh

Nick Welsh, Sports Management Major, 4th Year: â€śOur supervisors were awesome to work with. They provided vast amounts of knowledge for the Peer Career Advisor role. It was a great experience to work along with other peers and gain knowledge from each other and make life-long friends. I was part of the engagement team portfolio which was a fantastic experience as I had prior experience in creating, planning and organizing events. I have learned to communicate in a precise matter during this position. This position helps my future goals in terms of planning events.” 

Headshot of Kyle Cacilhas

Kyle Cacilhas, Business Major, 4th Year: "Being a Career Peer Advisor has provided me ample opportunities to showcase skills relevant to the fields of human resources and marketing. From a human resources perspective, I get a thorough understanding of the hiring process by learning what resources and strategies recruiters use when making hiring decisions. For the marketing aspect of the job, I get to help other students market themselves to employers through critiquing resumes and cover letters, providing tips for interviews, and how to develop a strong social media presence on LinkedIn. Similarly, I get to work on creating engagement events to inform students about our services and any special events approaching. Finally, I get to use my presentation skills to great use as I am granted the opportunity to teach resume and job searching workshops to students, along with conducting, and coordinating, multiple class presentations. Honestly, it's the best job, and I highly recommend anyone to apply!" 

Headshot of Matt Pardo

Matt Pardo, Biology Major, 4th Year: â€śI have been a Peer Career Advisor (PCA) since the beginning of the program back in Fall 2017. Throughout my 5 semesters on the PCA team, I have presented dozens of career workshops, advised hundreds of students on the many aspects of their careers, and developed the PCA training week. As a future high school teacher, the PCA position has been an amazing opportunity for me to improve many relevant skills such as communication, presentation, and advising skills. And of course, all of the professional training in career topics such as resume, cover letter, and interview that PCA's receive has been and will continue to be extremely helpful in my own personal career. The PCA position has been a very rewarding part-time job and highly recommend you consider applying if you'd like to work with an amazing department and team!” 

Headshpt of Manaal Chaudhary

Manaal Chaudhary: Sociology & Criminology Major, 3rd Year: â€śIn this role, I have gained new skills such as critical thinking and problem-solving and was able to advance my communication and teamwork skills. Through this role I was also able to present one-hour career-related workshops to 10-15 students at a time and this really helped me with my public speaking skills. I am also apart of an engagement team in which we plan events on campus to help promote our services. Being a part of the team really helped me gain a positive relationship with my colleagues. I have been able to build strong relationships with my supervisors and have gained lots of insight from them. Overall my experience as a Career Peer Advisor at the Career Development and Experiential Learning office has been excellent and I would recommend this job to any student who is looking to enhance their communication, problem solving, and teamwork skills."